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"Stay low key. Mind your own business."

The meaning behind Rule #8 is to emphasize the importance of maintaining a low-profile and focusing on one's own affairs instead of getting involved unnecessarily in the matters of others.

- "Stay low key": This phrase suggests adopting a modest and unassuming approach in life. It encourages avoiding unnecessary attention or drawing unnecessary attention to oneself. By staying low key, one can prioritize personal growth and inner fulfillment over seeking external validation or recognition.
- "Mind your own business": This statement advises individuals to focus on their own concerns and responsibilities. It encourages avoiding unnecessary interference in the lives or affairs of others, respecting their boundaries and autonomy. By minding one's own business, one can maintain personal integrity and avoid unnecessary conflicts or distractions.

In summary, Rule #8 promotes a mindset of humility, privacy, and self-focus. It encourages individuals to prioritize personal growth and fulfillment while respecting the autonomy and boundaries of others. By staying low key and minding one's own business, one can cultivate a sense of inner peace and focus on their own journey.

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