A Murder of Hell Crows (Utsuho Reiuji x Male OC)

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(This is a story requested by KaijuBird starring his OC. Hope y'all like it!)

Did you know that male youkai exist in Gensokyo? Unlike their female counterparts, they're more reserved and fight their battles outside of the grand scheme of things going on in this land. And this story, is about one of the few guys who decided to stay alongside the powerful ladies roaming Gensokyo.

Ginhan Kurehasu, pretty much like Okuu herself, was a regular hell raven living in what is now known as Former Hell in Gensokyo.

Before Utsuho was convinced by Kanako to consume the Yatagarasu, she and Ginhan were regular birds from hell. Despite ravens being solitary animals for the most part, the both of them flew together through hell. And that's how Gin met Rin as well.

When Satori decided to take in Okuu and Orin as pets, Ginhan kept visiting Okuu in the Palace of the Earth Spirits. The owner of the place wasn't too bothered about his presence, sometimes treating him as her third pet.

Utsuho's birdbrain was exceptional, to say the least. And while Gin was an airhead as well, he was a little more intelligent than your regular hell raven. At least he was able to learn something from hanging around Satori whenever he visited Okuu.

In some rare occasions, he was able to read manga and comics from the Outside World. He was enthralled by the colorful pages, the powerful heroes and flashy poses and fights.

When Okuu consumed the corpse of the Yatagarasu, she started to change. She was still a bird brained numbnuts, but she gradually became more and more dangerous, aggressive and eager to fight. Gin did his best to stay alongside her, not used to being on his own. Eventually, it was too much for him and his own safety, and had to run away from her when she reached a spike in power.

With one big explosion, the Fantastic Blowhole was formed, finally leaving an opening to aboveground. Gin escaped from Former Hell, and reached the surface of Gensokyo.

The sun was bright, and the sky was high, higher than the ceiling underground. And then he realized something. Who knows how it happened, maybe hanging around a radioactive raven ended up changing him too, but he wasn't merely a hell raven anymore. Now, the metals from the earth followed his command. He could bend and twist even the hardest of metals like it was clay.

Remembering all those comics he read from the Outside World, Gin felt excitement and thrill. Now he could forge those cool armors and weapons he saw on those pages! With his newly acquired power, he started wearing shoulder armor akin to a samurai, added pieces of metal to his wings (and after a few trials he realized he couldn't fly if he added too much weight, discarding most of it except a few pieces on the tip of his wings), and after finding a particularly big piece of red ore, he shaped it into a spiralled sword. It was so big it looked more like a drill than a sword, but he didn't care one bit, he felt like a hero, and was more than willing to be one!

Life outside from Former Hell was fun. The surface of Gensokyo had so many colorful characters everywhere, and the chances to be a hero were present everywhere as well!

Even though he was reckless and over confident, he never went out of his way to start a fight with someone weaker than him, unless they asked him to do it. And since most humans in Gensokyo were weak in comparison to the youkai populace, he didn't run into trouble with Reimu and company.

Speaking of the shrine maiden, he became a huge fan of hers. All those incidents she resolved, how badass she looked, and how popular she was in Gensokyo, gave him a role model to follow and even more eagerness to become a hero loved by all.

His simple mind helped him befriend the fairies, and he had a few adventures of his own. He tried to learn swordsmanship from Youmu (there's so much you can learn when you're swinging a huge piece of metal), he filled Rinnosuke's shop to the brim with rare metals, to the point the half youkai couldn't take a step inside, and unwillingly terrorized the crow tengu living in Youkai Mountain.

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