CH 2: What's Happening Now

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Henry. A disturbing sensation spider-walked down Cole's spine. The sound of the monster's voice reverberated through his head, smashing open doors to his past, releasing the nightmares he'd so carefully locked away. Horror-movie images flashed through his mind, demon tentacles grabbing at him, trying to pull him back to the most terrifying time of his life.

Cole gasped and gripped the restroom sink as his throat constricted and a band of pressure squeezed his chest, steadily tightening until he couldn't breathe.

"So... you'll do anything to keep your little friends alive. Hm?"

Fighting for his breath, Cole managed a weak, "Yes."

"Let's have a drink and talk about things," the monster said with a casual tone. "I haven't seen you in fifteen years. We should really catch up."

Cole clutched the sink as his legs weakened and he sank to his knees. "Wh... What?"

"I'm curious to know what my boy's been up to all these years. You can tell me all about your friends and family." A short pause. "Am I correct to assume you haven't told them about me?"

"I-I... haven't," Cole whispered shakily.

"So, they have no idea what's happening now?"

"No." Cole swallowed with effort. His vision swam and tears rolled down his face.

"But you're planning to tell them. True?"

"Yes," Cole choked. "I-I have to."

The monster sighed. "Not yet. First, we have that drink."

Cole hung his head, sobs building in his tight chest. "I have to... I-I can't not tell them..." Cole choked on a sob.

"If you tell them now... it might upset me. Do you remember what I'm like when I get upset?"

Cole squeezed his eyes shut and sank lower against his heels, horrifying scenes playing through his head. "Y-Yes..."

"Do you want to upset me... when I have your little friends here keeping me company?"

Fuck! Tears poured down his flushed face. "No..."

"No, you don't. That's right. Now, I'm going to tell you where to meet me and you should come alone... or else... well, you know."

Cole listened in numb silence as the monster named the location, gave a time to meet him, and then hung up. The cell slipped from Cole's hand and struck the hard-tiled floor. He curled forward, hugged his gut, and broke down crying.


Devlin checked the time; Cole had been gone a while now. Maybe he should go check on him. Something was wrong—bad wrong—and Cole had information. He paced the private waiting room, fear twisting his guts and paralyzing his mind.

What did Cole mean when he said, 'This can't be happening?' What the hell was happening?

The man had suffered a panic attack, for fuck's sake—he'd never seen Cole in such a state. The man was fucking terrified. And that terrified Devlin.

I can't wait any longer—not when Abel and the kids could be in danger.

Devlin yanked open the waiting room door and almost collided with Dane. "Shit!"

"Ditto." Dane stepped back and swept an anxious hand through his short black hair. Dane Chambers was the most classically handsome man Devlin had ever seen up close. The epitome of tall, dark, and handsome. "What's going on?" Dane asked with an air of unease. "Is Gabe okay?"

COLE: THE MADMAN: Book 3 (A Phoenix Club Serial Thriller)Where stories live. Discover now