Y/N L/N: origins

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when I turned 4 years old I had realized something, life isn't the same for everybody, my mother is quirk less, and my father had a quirk, however he had died a year ago, oh sorry, I forgot to explain, about 80 % of the world has quirks, a superpower you could get when you turn about 4 some people like the pro hero present mic, were born with theirs, but sometimes I wished I never had one,

my quirk is known as shadow, I'm able to create things out of shadows, move through them like portals, along with borrow other peoples quirks from their shadows. but it only lasts as long as that persons in sunlight/ light to cause a shadow
If your wondering, this part of my quirk is nothing like my fathers, my quirk skipped a generation it was my grandmas 

Y/N L/N pov

" bye mom!" I shouted across the house standing at the open front door " bye sweetie have a good day!" I smile closing the door and walking across the streets to school, my family isn't that rich or anything so I just go to a small school about a 20 minute walk nearby it was easy

" so as third year students its time to start thinking seriously about your futures and what you want to do with your lives" my teacher spoke as I smiled drawing in my book I was having a good day and I decided to draw my friend izuku midoriya, he's a good guy and we had known each other since diapers our moms are best friends, he's quirk less though so everyone picks on his, I hate it " I could pass out some career aptitude tests but, why bother" he smiles tossing the papers around with a laugh " I know you all want to go to the hero track" with his shout everyone rang out in excitement and I smiled wider shading my drawing a bit " yes yes you've got some very impressive quirks, but no power usage allowed in school get a hold of yourselves" everyone quiets as hot head starts speaking " hey teach don't lump me in with this bunch of losers, I'm the real deal but these guys'll be lucky to end up as sidekicks to some busted d lister " he spouts, by he I mean katsuki bakugo, or as I like to call him sparky, sparkles, or hothead " you think your better than us katsuki?!?" the whole class was pissed " lets go I'll take you all on" he spouts back " huh you've got impressive test results, maybe you will get into UA high" the teacher speaks as I shake my head looking over to izuku " he's gonna try for the national school, that school has a point 2% acceptance rate, its impossible to get into" the whole class murmurs out as I see izuku placing his head down // oh no // " that's exactly why its the only place worthy of me" sparky jumps onto his desk smirking wide " I aced all of the mock tests, Im the only one at this school who has a chance of getting in, I'll end up more popular then all might himself, and be the richest hero of all time, people all across the world will know who I am, and it all starts with UA high" he ends as I scoff " oh yeah midoriya and L/N don't you two wanna go to UA too ?" I see izuku flinch as the teacher mentions us seeing sparky freeze, everyones gaze falling to me and izuku as they all burst out laughing a few smirking towards me as I smiled back " midoriya your kidding right there's no way your getting into the hero course without a quirk" someone spouts as he stands " a..actually they got rid of that rule, I could be the first one" he says as I go to stand as I hear a shout seeing sparky blast izukus desk " listen up deku your even worse than the rest of these damn rejects you quirk less wannabe, you really think they'd let someone like you In when they could have me ?" izuku starts to ramble and back into the wall as I stand " you'd never be able to hang with the best of the best you'd die in the exams, defenseless izuku this schools already crappy you wanna embarrass it any more by failing so hard?" with a growl I grab sparky by the shoulder tossing him backwards away from midoriya " I'm going there to sparkles so why don't you pick on someone whos gonna fight back, and beat your ass?!" my eyes glaze over black " go ahead "

class had followed normally, as the teacher had directed the fight, or more so the one sided duel away I actually thought he would fight me but to bad, with a sigh I grabbed my bag after class and walked over to the vending machines to grab a drink before I saw bakugo walk back into the class with his fellow bullies // izukus still in there he's gonna pester him// I thought placing the can in my bag and walking over fixing my bag before walking in to see a stuttering izuku with bakugo and his group aiming there course for the door before I hear " and take a swan dive of the roof of the building " izuku turns around before sparky goes to speak as I grab him by the collar swinging him against the door " hey sparkles, your mom never tell you to think before ya speak, it could be the death of ya" I glare into his eyes as he goes to speak before I let a group of deep black hands seep from my skin aimed to grab the blond " try it Blondie, get the fuck out before I change my mind " I stood straight as he walked out with his group I felt the hands sink back into my skin "midoriya you ok?" I ask walking over fixing my bag that had tried to fall " yeah, I'm ok thank you L/N " I smile placing a hand out to help him up " wanna walk home together?" I ask as he nods grabbing his bag as the two of us walk out of the school

Its silent before the green eyed boys gaze stops at the koi pond I follow his eyes seeing his book //he's gotten all the way to 13# // I smile before I move down to grab it shaking it slightly giving it to him " bakugo huh?" I ask as he nods a sad look gracing his features " he's a stupid jerk" I chuckle lightly " that he is, but you know what?" I ask as he turns to me, I smile placing a hand on his shoulder " your gonna be an amazing hero, I just know it, you and I are gonna make it to UA and we'll be amazing!" I smile wide

" well this is where we part ways izuku, don't forget you'll be amazing ok?" I smile towards the green haired boy as he smiles back "be safe getting home" I wave to the boy turning down my street as my phone rings " hey mama " I answer walking a bit faster " please be careful ok there's been villains seen around, oh also we are having soba for dinner " I smile wide as mom hangs up before I start running home

1279 words [edited]

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