sports festival [ race ]

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" welcome back to the UA sports festival, where up and coming heros will leave everything on the field as they fight for the chance to achieve world wide fame and celebrity, this first group are no strangers to the spotlight, you know them from the stands with standing a villain attack there the dazzling students lining up there team with solid gold skills that's right its the hero course students of class 1-A "

fear ran through my bones as we walks out // to many, to many people// I can feels my breathing going faster, //they aren't looking right at me right ARE THEY!// I feel a hand grasp mine as my eyes meet denki "relax you'll be awesome, yeah?" I gulp following his speed with a nod and a nervous smile " ok" 

as all the classes get represented we all stand in front of midnight in the middle of the arena " now the introductory speech " my eyes stayed on the ground " uh someone should talk to miss midnight about what shes wearing " "yeah that thing should come with a warning" I sigh standing in between the two " its better than her first outfit, my mom got a cosplay of midnight" I shutter as the hero continues "silence everyone, and for the student pledge we have KATSUKI BAKUGO" I scoff watching the boy go up " I just wanna say, I'm gonna win" everyone started booing the boy as kirishima and kaminari held me from running up to the boy " that's it I'm done I'm gonna kill that hot head !!!" " without further Ado its time for us to get started, this is where you begin feeling the pain, the first faithful game of the festival, what could it be tada" ok this'll be fun " all 11 classes with be participating in this treatcherous contest, this the track is four kilometres around the outside of the stadium, I don't wanna restrain anyone at least not in this game, as long as you don't leave the course your free to do whatever your heart desires, well then take your places contestants,"

I stood in front of the gate with the rest of the classes, if I use the part of my quirk that borrows power I'll seem like a thief, but if I use the movement aspect then I'll just be moving through them all at ease, I'd consider that cheating myself, just use the shadow part only when needed other times I'd be good to copy, todoroki was going to do his best so his would be useful, the lights flashed off one by one "BEGIN" as midnight shouts everyone races for the door clogging the opening, // make wings fly over think fast// I let wings of black slink from my skin flying over everyone through the small gap doing a barrel roll as I start to run feeling the air chill // todorokis on my tail he's freezing the doorway so he can be faster, think of hero training day one when you blocked your feet// I do so fast continuing to run feeling the half and half boy behind me before I stopped in front of a gang of // 0 pointers best not to attack get away fast and -// a gasp escapes my throat as I watch todoroki freeze one of the robots off balance // he did that on purpose, ok I can portal now its an easy strategy but if I portal behind the heavy pointers than I can get away without any damage done towards them // I take in a breath spinning in a circle as a blackness appears below means I let myself fall closing my eyes before opening them at the right time a new portal appearing as I jump out chasing after todoroki,// I may get second depending on what follows but I don't need to be that high in ranks just do good// 

"what a showing shouta todoroki from class 1-A is taking an early lead and whats this, Y/N L/N is right on his tail!"

I stop running right at the edge of a giant ravine full of floating islands latched together via rope  // I shouldn't do the same thing twice but maybe swinging would be a good idea with a smirk I turn around running backwards as todoroki passes me confused but he continues, I pull in a breath before turning and jumping into the ravines// people may think I'm insane// I make an array of whips on my wrists before sending them upwards to grab one of the ropes // but being insane may give you better thinking time// with a yank I pull myself into the air before jumping forwards landing behind todoroki as he is running up a pair of steps before feeling someone behind me with a quick turn I see bakugo gaining a head of me // crap, ok that's fine keep going// I make it to the front of the last obstacle // a mine field fun ok, if I use my quirk I can figure out the perfect path by feeling for the shadow of the mine underground// I place my hands on the dirt at the end before feeling for a path, with a smile I stand // I can only feel so far so if I follow behind people who have set off mines then I can get pretty far that way, once far enough I can use my wings again and-// my eyes follow a midoriya flying through the air, amazing a smile befalls my face as I make wings appear flying in between other students to get behind todoroki again watching as izuku gets past those two// keep going// I tell myself as I let my wings fall running behind sparkles and todoroki 

" the first to make it back into the stadium is the first place winner,izuku midoriya is our champion!!" I hear mic shout as I run through after a few people before grabbing izuku in a hug " that was amazing your amazing!" I shout as he smiles " you did amazing to Y/N we're both amazing" I chuckle as other people start to come through " deku that was amazing I cant believe you got first place I'm so jealous " I smile walking away from the nervous boy to lean against something// I should work on lasting longer I feel light headed // I watch yoyoarozu walk through a cretin on her back as I growl walking over and punting the boy off her " stop being a creep!" I shout as he rolls away yoamomo thanking me before we fall into a small conversation on how well everyone did 

1132 words

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