The Day at Owens

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Zach sighed as the car pulled away and he looked at what it appears to be a shack and a camper trailer parked right by the side of the small building. He looked in the direction of the slightly dirt road where the car went and left him behind. Zach slightly jumped when the sound of squeaking as the door of the shack opened and his eyes looked it up and down as he saw the familiar clothing. "What are you doing just standing there? I heard the car come up and you've been standing there for what.. five minutes now?" Owen stepped down the five steps. He stood there and looked around before setting his gaze upon the teen. Owen had his thumbs hooked into the pockets of his pants. "I.. I didn't know where-" Zach started. "There's not much around to get confused. Com'on. I want to show you what we can do around here." Owen gestured for Zach so come closer, with a sigh Zach moved his heavy feet across the grass patched ground.


Zach was sitting on the steps of the small porch of the shack. He hit the side of his phone as it wouldn't connect to internet. Letting out a sigh he set his phone on the wood step and looked up seeing Owen with stains of on his clothing and hands. Zach started to mindlessly bite his lower lip while watching Owen. "Are you going to just watch or see if I need help?" Owen threw the tool he had in his hand onto the ground and replaced it with a stained used to be white cloth and rubbed his hands of some of the grease and oil and glanced over to the teen. "Well it looks like you know what you're doing.." Zach looked at the motorcycle. "Why would you need my help." he moved to where he leaned on the railing post. "I don't need your help, it would be so you're actually doing something instead of sitting there.. the internet doesn't reach well to your phone help me." Owen kneeled down and sighed. "Flooded engine or dirty spark plugs is the problem.. shouldn't take long or two people at all.. but you could probably use the information on how to fix one or the other. This is more of an older bike so this will more likely to happen with this one. Com' here.". Zach stood up and went to him. "And what exactly can I do then." Owen looked up at him. "You can start by cleaning these off for me. Use that towel." Owen gestured to the one tossed on the ground. Zach sat down and grabbed the old cloth. "Is there room enough for two here even?" he started to rub the oil off of the metal. "Oh yeah there is, there is only one small bed though because at times I do spend the night here every so often, so you mind sleeping in the same bed?" Owen sat back and looked at Zach. " I don't mind.. If that is the only option I mean." Owen chuckled. "Well there is the floor but I ain't sleeping on it so it's either the floor which not gonna lie, a lot of spiders sleep down there.. or the bed with me. I'd like to think I'm at least better then some bugs to be close with." Zach stayed silent for a moment. "The bed is fine.. "


"The bugs are gone so it's nice being outside to eat." Owen leaned on the railing with the slice of pizza. "Yeah.. It's.. not so warm but not cold either.. it's very.. nice." Zach spoke with a hint of sarcasticness behind it. "You need to lighten up, or do I need to show you why I'm the alpha for the raptors?" Owen raised an eyebrow as he locked his gaze on Zach. "And just how would you show me that?" he met Owens gaze. "Do you really want to test me, boy?" Owen took a bite of the pizza. "Boy?" Zach repeated. "Yes.. boy, because when I'm here, compared to me you are just a boy." Owen stood more straight. "This sounds like all talk and no game.." Zach took a sip from the can of soda. "Do you want it just be talk.. or are you going to keep this shit up to make me have to show you?" Owen kept his gaze on Zach's. "Okay... fine I'll stop and lighten up.." Zach looked away from Owen's eyes. "That's more like it... How do you like the pizza they delivered out here." Owen threw the crust into the box. "Better than the pizza I get at home I have to say.." He looked at his phone. "Its 8:27.. I thought it was earlier than that." He looked back at Owen. "At this time of the year it gets darker more around 9:00 around here. How late do you normally stay awake?" Owen walked over to where Zach was sitting and sat beside him. "Depends on when I get tired..latest normally is around 10:00 cause at home my mom makes sure I'm asleep before 11:00." Owen nodded. "I know something that we could do in my bungalow that would keep you up after 11:00." Owen winked at Zach, and it took a moment for what Owen said to register in Zach's mind. When it did he looked away. "Isn't that something you'd say to Clair?" Owen let out a small laugh. "I would say it to her but I wouldn't mean it like with you." Zach looked back at him. "You mean it.. that you'd.. " Zach himself let out a small laugh. "Think before you speak." Owen patted Zach on the shoulder. "Oh, I do think before I speak. That"s why I say it. Now what do you say about going inside, it's gonna get chilly and bugs will come out the darker it gets."
Zach looked up towards the darkening sky and nodded. "Sure.." He stood up along with Owen and followed him inside the shack type of place. "So.. this is where Owen Grady spends his time when not with the raptors.. bigger than it looks." Owen smirked. "Oh yeah.. way bigger.." Zach rolled his eyes. "if it's that big then why don't you-" The sound of thunder cut his words as he froze. "That one was real close." Owen spat out. Another round of thunder shook made the power go off.

There was not more than a couple minutes of silence with the sound shaking the ground. Zach was sitting at the table in the small kitchen and Owen shined a flashlight at him. "C'mon, let's go to bed. Not any reason to be up and awake now... I won't bite.. I swear." Owen chuckled and moved to the bed. "It's big enough for you and I. Now come here." Zach sighed getting up.

Zach's eyes were wide open as the place still shook. He moved the covers to where it laid over his face more. Letting out a loud sigh an arm lifted the blankets. Zach glanced back seeing Owen slightly with a welcoming smile. He took a moment to think and turned around letting the arms wrap around him and being smothered in the older ones scent.

Owen smiled before closing his eyes and taking in the new warmth from the teen. Soon he fell asleep with the teen against his chest and taking in the smell of the boy.

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