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Silas: This world of ours, over the years it has evolved so much. Over the generations mankind has done many wonderful things. Though I'm sure not all of those was for the good reasons. There are two kinds of people in this world, good and bad, light can't exist without dark just as dark can't exist without light. People can do some wrong things for the right reasons, that's just how life is even if they can't help it. Personally, I think I understand that feeling. Society can have different view on things and that's not so bad. Sure having different views has led to disputes, divisions and even wars. Tragic as that is, it gives me a silver lining. I wouldn't trust a world that is too perfect to be true. Something that seems perfect has to have the littlest flaws, some kind of downside relating to it, cause if it can be good for some, It can also be an inconvenience to others. Seeing how the world is, I always wondered if it can go further beyond what it is. 

We see Silas in his room with headphones on his ear and he is drawing on his tablet.

Silas: *Thinking* Oh how I wish something like that could happen, but wishes? Pfft, not possible. If it is, I'll believe it when I see it.

Mother: Silas!

Silas: Yes mom!?

Mother: Dinner's ready! Come eat!

Silas: Alright!

Silas puts his headphones down as he gets up and heads downstairs where his mother prepares food at the dinner table.

Silas: My name is Silas. I'm just your average guy. I'm 18 years old and I live with my mother.

Mother: Still using that tablet I see. You might as well have it attached to your hand.

Silas: This is my mother, she's been taking care of me my whole life. I never got to know my dad. Mom said he fell ill and died when I was young. It's kind of hard to miss someone you've never met, but I do. I wish I got to know him.

Silas: *Muffled* Don't give me any ideas. *Gulp* I just have a love for drawing. Been doing that for as long as I can remember.

Mother: I can, you'd pick up on that ever since you were a toddler. Everyday you'd ask for sheets of paper and make different kinds of drawings.

Silas: Oh well. I-I...

While facing the other way, his mother grabs his tablet.

Silas: Hey!

Mother: Oh and who's this supposed to be?

Silas: Just one of my characters I made. I named him Silas also. Lazy, I know, but I think it fits.

Mother: Anything special about him?

Silas: Not much no, I just made him based off this cartoon I like.

Mother: I see. Well, you can tell me all about him another time. Now remember what I told you-

Silas: Mom we've been over this. I got it. I can hold down the fort.

Mother: Okay then, remember if you need help, don't hesitate and I'll be on the first plane home.

Silas: No need for worrying. Just enjoy your work vacation business trip. 

Mother: Alright. I trust you. You've never given me a reason not to. I'll see you in a month.

Silas: Right.

Mother: So you excited for your school trip?

Silas: Like you wouldn't believe! Last trip before graduation is going to be great! 3 days and 2 nights at this fancy hotel that has this great hot spring. Trip starts next week and I can't be more excited!

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