merry fucking christmas

22 1 2

age; 13 (3rd year)
extras; you speak Swedish (i won't have any Swedish words but you'll see) and you like gore things
you groaned, pulling the blanket over yourself and cuddling your pillow. "i'm so tired... 5 more minutes..." you mumble and stick your head out of the covers. your eyes were closed and your hair was messy.

"Come on we can sleep in the afternoon!!" he begged and pulled the blanket off of her. He put it on the floor and grabbed her. "Wake up!! You got a lot of presents! And you got me a present too right?!?!"

"i got you the gift of me loving you." you grumbled, you kept your eyes closed and yawned. you went back to sleep and snored, still cuddling your pillow.

Neville got on top of you and leaned down and kissed your lips. "That's true, but I wanted to see what you got me!!" He kisses her over and over again. you don't wake up. "Fine then, I'll go open my presents without you!!"

"okay... come back to me if you need anything or have questions, my love." you shouted, you went back to sleep and took you blanket over yourself again.

"Okay!! <3" Neville skipped into the common room and began opening up all his presents. He looked like a happy puppy when he was opening them and he was having a toln. He got a lot of candy, and some new planto help him with herbology. "I wonder what my love got me..."

you were still asleep, in your dorm. most likely cuddling your pillows. he opened the present you had gotten him, it was a picture of him and you. there was also a lot of candy, most of it was candy from insert your native country. he saw a few frog plushies and frog drawings. there was also a note that said 'free cuddle pass, you can use it whenever and i will drop everything to cuddle you.' there were some Herbology books, sticker books, Roahld Dahl books and a CD that had 'songs that remind me of us and or you' written on it.

Neville felt touched by the present, he held it close to himself. He was about to go find you when he realized this was the perfect time to use the cuddle pass!! He grinned and raced up the stairs to your dorm, still holding his present.

you were still asleep, until you woke up suddenly. you looked at him and closed your eyes again. "hello, love... what do you need...??"

"I wanted to use that free cuddle pass you got me!!" He held out the pass for her to read. "See, it said free cuddle!!"

"as if i charge you to cuddle me on other days." you giggled, you pulled him into your bed and cuddled him. you gave him a kiss and pulled the blanket over you both.

Neville laughed and cuddled you too. you always felt so warm and cozy to him, like a heated blanket. He felt like he could fall asleep right there with you, but he didn't want to waste any of his cuddle pass. He smiled as they laid there.

"did you get ME any presents?? since you were nagging me for all of December AND November about me giving you presents." you asked with a chuckle, you placed your head on top of his and held him.

"Yes I got you a bunch of things!!" Neville said happily, he reached into his bag and pulled out several presents. The things he got you was a black sweater that you would like, a bunch of horror and gore video games that she wanted to play, and several pairs of tights/fishnets that he thought would look good on you. "Oh and I got you this!!" He blushed a bit as he handed you some chocolate frogs.

you started crying, you hugged him tightly and gave him kisses. "I LOVE YOU!!" you shouted, you held him to your chest and sobbed. "my parents usually just throw a bag of galleons at me and say 'Christmas' before leaving... this is so amazing..."

Neville smiles, he hugs you tighter and runs his hands through your hair. He kisses your forehead, trying not to cry as well. He never knew why your parents would neglect you like that, but he tried to spoil you as much as he could to make up for it. "Of course, I love you!! I'm glad you love it!!" He kisses your cheek and cuddles with you.

you sobbed, holding him tighter. you yawned and closed your eyes. you then started snoring. Neville looked down at you and kissed your forehead, "Never leave me..." he whispered. he also yawned, stretching and closing his eyes. after a while; he also fell asleep.

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