In Vino Veritas: Extended Ending

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A/N: Remember when I said I made several versions of this short story? I made a promise to someone that I'd rewrite the longest version I had, which was the happiest ending I wasn't quite satisfied with. I felt like it went too long, but they wanted to read it so I rewrote what I could remember from the deleted version and reworked it a bit more. This version explains far more because I had once considered turning this into a full-length story, so it has lots of background and context added.

I hope you enjoy!

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I smoothed out the nonexistent wrinkles in my floor length white dress for the umpteenth time as the limousine pulled up to the front of a large mansion. Looking around, I beheld the expressions of the BTS members I was with. This would have been a lot less nerve-wracking if the other members were able to bring their dates to the event. But alas, none of them were in serious enough relationships yet where they could bring a plus one to a cocktail party full of movers and shakers in the entertainment industry.

With an inaudible sigh, I looked over at the only exception: my husband, Min Yoongi. Yoongi and I had been married for less than 7 months, yet anyone who had spent less than 7 minutes with us in private would easily have seen our marriage for the sham that it was. A year ago, I never thought I'd be married to a celebrity, moving to a new country with no familiar faces. Yet due to my desperation to leave my hard life and Yoongi's wish to find an arranged bride so fans would leave him alone, here we were.

I'd be lying if I said it was always like this. In the beginning, I tried to be the perfect wife, always reaching out and trying to build affection. But going up against the impenetrable wall of Yoongi's coldness towards me was exhausting and frustrating. Eventually, thanks to the size of his house and his busy schedule, we ended up essentially becoming mutually indifferent roommates. I worked hard and enrolled into Seoul National University to get my Master's degree so that I wouldn't have to see him even if he was at home.

Thanks to HYBE's great PR team, the only pictures of me their fans could find was our wedding photos, in which my face was either covered by a thick veil, or facing away from the camera. But now, I had to make my first official appearance at a fancy party. Thankfully, it was a private party sans paparazzi, with its main purpose being an excuse to network and build connections, but it didn't lessen my anxiety much.

Looking up as the door opened, I was escorted out and stood outside with Yoongi and the others, looking up at the looming marble steps. Yoongi held a disinterested arm out for me to hold, and with a steadying breath, I took his arm. We all walked through the doors in pairs as the eyes of those within the main room all converged on the entrance.

"If you're not sure how to act, just smile and nod," Yoongi whispered in my ear as we walked in with smiles as fake as the ones directed at me as soon as we entered.

I was too anxious to speak, so I merely squeezed his arm slightly to show I heard him. The group immediately fanned out into the room upon entry, and Yoongi led me to a group of smartly dressed men and stunning women who were discussing business rumors. Remembering the lengthy instructions Yoongi had texted me while I was in my room getting ready, I smiled and nodded politely as we joined the group. As Yoongi spoke with the others, I slightly tuned out, only speaking when someone directed a minor comment to me. I was just beginning to feel like I could get through this party without a hitch until I heard a female voice calling out Yoongi's name with startling familiarity.

Turning, I was greeted with the visuals of a beautiful Korean woman about Yoongi's age or a bit younger. She strutted towards us with confidence, a happy smile on her face. Mildly confused, I maintained my polite smile, expecting an introduction. She immediately opened her arms for a hug, and Yoongi hesitated before dropping my arm to reciprocate. After a brief hug, she then turned to me with a calculating smile.

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