Chapter 2

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Days turned into weeks, and Alex found himself sneaking in more and more extra calories whenever he could. He would sneak in an extra slice of cake, a few handfuls of chips, or a second helping of dinner when no one was looking. Every time he ate, he would feel a small thrill of excitement, knowing that he was a little closer to his goal of 195 pounds.

One morning, Alex woke up and noticed that his shirt felt a little tighter than usual. He looked down and realized that his belly had grown even softer than before. He stepped on the scale and saw that he was now at 186 pounds. He couldn't believe he had gained 3 more pounds, and secretly, he was thrilled that his plan was working. The thought of gaining even more weight made his heart race with excitement. He started to fantasize about his stomach growing even larger, feeling the softness and roundness increase with each bite. He could almost hear the fabric of his clothes straining under the pressure of his expanding belly. As Kat walked into Alex's room, she noticed that his belly was sticking out from under his shirt. She giggled a little and said, "Hey, Alex, looks like your belly is making a guest appearance today!" Alex looked down at his belly and felt a little embarrassed. "Yeah, I guess I've been eating a little more lately. I didn't even notice it was sticking out."

Kat walked over to Alex and gave him a light pat on his growing belly. "Looks like you're filling out that shirt quite nicely," she teased. Alex couldn't help but laugh, feeling a little bit proud of his own growing midsection.
As Kat continued to joke about his belly, Alex found himself enjoying the attention it was getting. He felt a sense of satisfaction and pride in his expanding girth, and he didn't mind the playful teasing from his friend. In fact, it made him want to indulge even more, to see how far he could take it.

Over the next few weeks, Alex continued to indulge in his cravings, and his belly continued to grow. He wore his clothes tightly, liking the way they hugged his expanding midsection. Every time he looked in the mirror, he couldn't help but smile with satisfaction at his growing figure. Alan started to become more aware of Alex's growing figure. He noticed that his brother's belly was constantly visible through his shirts, even when he wore baggy ones. He also noticed that Alex seemed to always be snacking on something and had developed a knack for hiding food under his bed. He couldn't help but feel concerned and wondered if his brother was gaining weight on purpose. One day, while they were hanging out together, Alan decided to bring it up. "Hey, Alex, I've noticed that you've been eating a lot lately and gaining some weight," he said carefully. "Is everything okay? Do you need to talk about anything?" Alex was caught off guard by Alan's question, but he tried to brush it off with a laugh. "Nah, man, it's cool," he said. "I'm just enjoying some good food, that's all. No big deal."

Alan knew Alex was deflecting, so he decided to persist. "Hey, Alex, I'm serious," he said, looking his brother in the eye. "You haven't been acting like your usual self lately. I'm just worried about you. Are you sure there's nothing going on?" Alex hesitated for a moment before finally admitting, "Okay, fine, I've been trying to gain a few pounds. I don't know why, I just want to see how it feels to be a bit bigger."Alan was shocked and confused by his brother's confession. He couldn't understand why Alex would want to gain weight on purpose. "Alex, what are you thinking?" he asked. "Why would you want to do that? You're already awesome just the way you are!" Alex was frustrated with his brother's reaction. "I don't know," he said. "I just want to see what it's like, alright? It's not a big deal. It's just a little experiment."

Alan sighed, feeling helpless. He didn't know how to convince his brother to change his mind. "Just be careful, okay?" he said. "Make sure you're taking care of yourself. Don't take it too far." Alex rolled his eyes. "Seriously, Al, stop worrying so much. I'm fine. This is my life, not yours. Stop bugging me about it."

Alan was hurt by Alex's words. He had only been trying to look out for him, but it seemed like his brother didn't appreciate it. He decided to drop the subject for now, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off with Alex.

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