Chapter 2: The Vistor Center

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Janurary 25th: 9:00AM THE CRIMINAL
Mr. Willson walked into the visitor center and took a big whiff of the fresh air, he had always loved hotels, camping, and a lovely cabin and this place had all three. He wore a dark green button-up shirt with a forest green tux and held a large leather suitcase in his left hand. He quietly walked up to the counter where the person immediately recognized him.
"Ayyyyyy, My Boy Terry, Nice to see you, looks like you are finally out of hiding!" Terry smiled back at Rick and set his suitcase on the counter
"Not out of hiding yet!" Terry laughed "I still have my Wanted posters around every corner, I didn't even know they still made those! Yeah no, I just came back to reconnect with an old friend" He slid the letter with the green seal to Rick, and Rick smiled and nodded.
"I read it, and at first I was baffled and Confused….but I thought I recognized that handwriting!" Terry laughed reminiscing of old memories. "How old is Mr. Detective now?" But Rick just shook his head.
"Sorry, Can't answer that, company policy you know? The cameras are Always watching. Listening. Sensing for any mistake you make. Just yesterday my manager came all the way here to yell at me for forgetting to give a customer their receipt, it's ferocious."
"That is very unfortunate, I can't believe HOW would treat their employees like that. It used to be such a good company." Terry sighed shaking his head.
"It's not that bad, We…I get great benefits, Like mostly free healthcare. And they even paid some of my college debt…but not much."
"I'm glad you're enjoying it, I'm glad your still closing every 25th."
"Yeaa"Rick scratched his head and gave a nervous smile. Terry gave a questionable look but Rick interrupted before he could say anything.
"You should sit down…it's going to be a while."

January 25th: 9:25AM LIKE FATHER LIKE SON
Tom watched as his 96-year-old grandpa opened the door to the visitor center. His grampa was quite fit for his age, unlike most people over 90 who are in wheelchairs, losing memory, in nursing homes, and wearing diapers, his grampa managed to skip all of that. People would guess his age to be ten to twenty years younger than he was, he was always impressed with his grampa and used him to show off to his coworkers at WOTH(Woods of the Hotel). Unlike any other day, it was abnormally quiet, but that was mostly due to the glowing "ClOSED" sign on the door. Tom didn't know this place could be closed. It seemed to always be busy every day, all day. Nevertheless, this is where they were wanted, no, needed here. They still had no clue who had invited the two of them and what they wanted with them, but the cash prize was hard to resist. They walked to the counter, the once busy and overcrowded room was empty, except for one man sitting in the corner with a green button-up shirt and a darker green vest sitting on a little black leather chair next to a lovely pale couch and another little black chair. They made it to the counter where they found a big buff man with a black t-shirt and Jeans with a name tag that read "Rick"
"Hello…Rick..ummm… I'm Tom… and this is my grandpa..uh...George" The guy at the counter frowned.
"I can introduce myself, thank you very much!" His Grampa scowled "I'm George Banks, and we were looking to check in to this hotel of yours…"
"I'm so… so sorry sir but we are closed. So in the nicest way possible, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Rick said and started to turn his back to do something else until George interrupted him.
"I think that you'll find that won't be necessary." He slipped the 2 letters with the green seal towards Rick. Rick's frown turned into an obvious fake smile.
"Well then, You two are a bit early, just like my friend Terry over here." Rick pointed to the green man, whom neither of them recognized as the same person on the wanted posters around town or the fact that his face had been on the TV many different times or that George and Terry had already met. Twice. But neither time did George see Terry's face and it's been so long he could not possibly remember what Terry had sounded like. But George will always remember what he had said. He could never forget that. He could still see his poor coworker.
"So while I get your limos ready, you can wait right here!" Rick pointed to the couch next to Terry. "With Mr.Wilson" The two walked and sat by the green man, Tom sat on the couch propping his legs on a clear rectangular table. George sat across from Terry on the other little black chair that barely fit him.
"So…uh…Mr.Willson..sir, any clue who this…uh…mystery man could be?" Tom asked, trying to start up a conversation to fill the emty void of silence.
"Oh, I already know who it is. We've had quite a bit of history together." Terry frowned "Till he decided to ruin my life" He paused, his eyes filled with sorrow but it quickly turned to anger "Whatever you do. Don't. Trust. Him. I'm good at bringing down corporations and cleaning the world of evil, but this company will be my downfall. I have been trying to destroy this company for years now. Every time I get so close but every time I try, I somehow get caught or mess it up! Let me tell you one thing, this company will be destroyed if it's the last thing I'll do!" Terry sat back in his chair and took a deep breath trying to calm himself down. George shot up from his chair.
"WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE." Terry chose not to respond but Rick shot him a glance of disgrace.
"You think you can just say that kind of thing to anyone? I'll show you what happens to liars like you!"
"Yea, tell me then. What happens to people like me" Terry said sarcastically. George waddled over and put himself in front of Terry looking down at him. "Oh, I'm going to spill your blood across the floor then hang your head where everyone can see!" Geroge growled But Terry just sighed and took another breath of air . "Uhh…Then I'll have everyone watch me kill you! Yesss. I'll take your remai-" Terry jolted up and latched his hand on Gerorge's neck, picking him up off the floor.
"Oh," Terry laughed "I wouldn't try that if I was you!" Terry squeezed the old man's neck. George grasped for air, his face turning purple. He pulled and tugged on Terry's arm but it was no use. He saw Tom in the corner of his eye quietly watching the whole event play out, Making no effort to save him. Was this really how his life would end? Finally, Terry dropped him to his feet. Then he fell back into his chair,closed his eyes, and took another deep breath like nothing had happened.
His biggest mission would be bringing down this company, it seemed impossible, but that made Terry want to destroy it even more. He's so close but yet, so very far. Terry opened his eyes to see the grumpy old man with his ruffled leather coat with purple t-shirt back in his seat staring back at him in anger but also seemed intrigued. Terry had recognized the old man, He had talked to him from the shadows. His name was George, he was a smart old fella but nobody had ever liked him due to his quickness to anger and fierce attitude. Except for his middle-aged grandson who has stood by his side since his mother died in a dreadful fire. Gerorge huffed then asked.
"Why does one like yourself want to bring down a company like this, don't get me wrong, I agree to the fullest, me and my grandson work at WOTH, But you don't seem like the type they'd hire" George scoffed.
"Didn't you just say you were going to kill me?" Terry raised his eyebrow but Gerorge just stared at him waiting for an answer.
"Well if you must know" Terry rolled his eyes "The old CEO actually cared for the place, he would check in, he would donate millions of dollars per year to helping the environment, the new CEO can't even be bothered to step foot in this place, let alone she has already expanded this place by 83% chopping hundreds of trees in the process which the old one was highly against! I bet Rick over there doesn't even know what the CEO looks like, because she also REFUSES to be on a camera of any type. It's embarrassing for this once flourishing company. Not to mention the countless animal testing and murders the company has done just to stay on top. Ever wonder why it seems like WOTH is always below HOW? Because they make it that way necessary. It breaks my heart." Terry sighed. "Do you know what the new CEO did!?" George was brighter then a child's.
"No. I have not"
"Well i'll tell you, every month on the 25, this place closes. It gives the employees a break from the long shifts and allows time for any problems to get fixed and mended. Well, this was enforced by the old CEO as a gift but the new one has tried to stop it, and take it away. She hasn't been doing a good enough job as you can see. I don't even think she knows that we still close the 25th of every month." George slowly nodded. "The only reason Rick is working here today is under his own choice and he knows that we would show up because the big boss man allowed."
"Then tell me..who is this person that invited us?" George smirked as if he expected Terry not to have an answer. But Terry always has an answer.
"You really don't know? You of all people should know" Terry shook his head
"It's your Son."

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