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As much as the present may be charming and all we may have wished for, the ghosts of the past always find a way of reminding us of their existence. It may be through a photo, a person, a song or even everything around you altogether. And whether we like it or not, the worst of memories are the most profound. But when you crave the taste of revenge life doesn't seem so charming does it? But today is a good day and in good spirit let us put those words behind us for today. It is the dawning of a new era that may see me enjoy the good taste of revenge. Well, that's if I get to live a lifetime or two. But either way, we have begun and why not just get on with it?

I am Himashiro Tikashi. I have no life, I have no home, no family but only hope and for me hope is enough or was enough, why would I say hope was enough? Well let's just say what I wish for is in reach after a long time. My life, my family, my home was taken away from me by something you may call Little Boy. Yes, what you are thinking is true. Everything that meant something to me lies in the ruins of Hiroshima. You wonder why I wasn't there when death struck? Take a wild guess. Let's go on a little journey back in time.

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