Eight: Rebellion

43 12 22


TWs: sarcasm, itty bitty bit of blood,

"I don't know!" August hissed for the fifth time. The guard at the door with probably painted-on green skin jabbed the spear in her direction.

"Don't make them any more upset," The scientist called from the desk near the wall. "0037, how well did you know 211?"

August snapped at the spear angrily, backed into the corner of the room. "Not very well. I only knew they exsisted, but- STOP THAT!" She roared, slashing at the guard when the head of the spear poked her lightly in the arm.

"Doc, I'm serious." The scientist said sharply. The guard snarled and took a few steps back.

"Do you have any idea where 211 might have gone?" The scientist asked in a softer voice, turning so his green eyes were visible.

"I didn't know them, and I certainly don't know what outside looks like!" August growled, small black wings flaring as much as they could in the chains.

A knock on the door.
The guard opened it and dragged another subject in, pushing him against a different corner.

The scientist sighed, "Why is 606 here?" He asked.

"I don't want to be here either," Subject 606 sneered.

"They were caught communicating with it." The green-skinned guard reported, waving away the new one.

The scientist froze. He raised his head to look at 606. "How did you do that?"

"Sha-" 606 cleared his throat, "420 only speaks with those they trust. Sorry, but surprisingly, you aren't on the list." He said sarcastically.

"Am I on the list?" August asked, bouncing a few times.

"If they don't bite you when you get close to them, probably."

The scientist and guard were speaking quietly with eachother, murmuring words and pointing fingers.

"606, stay here. 0037, go with this guard."
August glared at the guard. She squirmed around when her wings were roughly grabbed, and twisted around to bite the guard. Surprisingly, her teeth peirced the skin and she tasted blood.
The guard let her go with a yelp of pain, yanking the chains on her wings and forcing her to the ground.

August let her wings shrink until they vanished, and she was free. She leaped to her feet, becoming not a kind of bird hybrid but a black cat hybrid now. A long, skinny tail whipped behind her as she turned and bolted from the room.

"GET THEM!" The guard yelled. August slid under the legs of a nearby guard and started to sprint, transforming as she went.

More guards with armour and spears started to chase her. She felt herself speeding up and grinned at the wonderful feeling of running as a cheetah hybrid. August darted behind a wall into a little room full of discarded guard's armour.
She slipped a chestplate over her head, putting on a helmet and leggings. She shook the final bits of cat fur from her legs, grabbed a spear, and joined the confused guards just standing around.

"Split up!" One of them decided. August nodded and took off in the direction of the subject hall. Some subjects hissed and tried to claw at her as she slowed down a bit. She stopped at the cell she was looking for and lifted the helmet enough to show 420 her face.

The subject recognized her and quieted down, pawing at the bars. August pushed the helmet back down and pickpocketted the lock with her spear.

"Quick, Shards, go!" She whispered. Shards nodded and yowled, pouncing into the hallway. Immediately, they started to attack some guards at the end of the hall, giving August just enough time to free some of the other subjects. By now, the helmet was discarded on the ground, and most of the subjects were stretching in the hallway.

"THERE THEY ARE!" Some guards spotted them from the other end of the hall and raced towards them. A few subjects threw themselves into battle using any and every power they had.

August saw one guard with a gun. She kicked the weapon out of his hands and pushed him away. She froze when a different guard aimed a gun at her.

And fired.

"...wake up, please wake up, please wake up."

August blinked her eyes open with a groan. She saw a blue sky and sat up quickly, looking around.

A beautiful green forest surrounded her, dotted with a few flowers.

"Where... where are we?" August gasped, eyes widening. Naya, from beside her, smiled.

"I managed to bring you here when you got shot." She said, "Nova escaped with us."

"Wait. Does that mean...?" August excitedly picked a pink flower.

"Yes," Naya answered happily, "We escaped."

and the other subjects are still there lol

except maybe a few :)

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