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The next few weeks went smoothly. Everyday I sneaked out, going to my therapy sessions, hung out with Taehyung, got back home, did what I always do, went to bed and all over again the next day.

Although my schedule was very repetitive, it wasn't boring at all. Taehyung made everything surprisingly enjoyable. Even our small talk in the car was enough to lift up my mood.

It was a weird feeling. Like we've already been friends for years and now we just reunited with each other.

Today was another day of my basic week and I had to prepare to attend my therapy session. Since it was so hot outside, I just put on a white dress- that Taehyung gifted me when I accidentally spilled some tea on my clothes- and my white sneakers. I let my hair flow down my back, as I picked up my small white bag.

Dohyun didn't come home last night and it put me somehow at ease. I felt relieved that I could finally have some me-time.

But as more time passed without him coming back home, the more I grew worried. Not for him though, no. I was worried that he would come back anytime now and pissed also. He'd let his anger out on me again and I wasn't looking forward to it.

But nevertheless, I still went out, walking down the streets to see my therapist. Or rather said, to see Taehyung.

I honestly am enjoying much more to hang out with him than be locked an hour per day between four walls, trying my best to talk about my problems. There were many times when I just wanted to stand up and rush out of the room or burst into tears. It felt suffocating.

I pushed through the doors of the building, greeting the receptionist and making my way to the psychologist's office. I fixed my posture and cleared my throat before softly knocking on the wood door.

Not long afterwards, I could hear someone guiding me to go inside.
I opened the door and entered the office, being welcomed by the soothing and familiar candle scents.

Dr. Park was sitting on his chair, completing some reports before he stood up, making his way towards me.

"Ms. Kim, please take a seat." he said in a serious tone.

He was so serious today, which made me feel uneasy. The funny man who always greeted me sweetly at the beginning of our therapy sessions, cracking a joke about everything was nowhere to be seen.

I hesitantly sat down across him, watching him as he took his glasses off.

"Ms. Kim." he started, looking at his notebook. I fixed my posture, listening closely.

"You know, I started my job to help people like you find their happiness again. But I've taken a look at your progress in these past weeks, and I couldn't even call that a progress at all." he continued, still not looking at me.

"I know that it might be hard for you to open up to people, Jennie, especially a stranger like me. But please, understand that I'm just trying to help you and whatever the true reason you're currently being in my office right now is, I know you're trying to seek out for help. So please let the others help you." he added.

"This isn't normally how I persuade my patients into talking about their prblems, as it is not very professional. But you're coping with your problems much slower than the other patients would normally do. It concerns me. " he added.

"Dr. Park, I'm-" he cut me off.

"That's why, Ms. Jennie, I think it would be better if you'd continue meeting up daily with my assistant Mr. Kim. Yet we're going to reduce our meetings to once a week, when you can narrate everything to me." he explained, to which I nodded.

"You're dismissed for the day and you can go now meet up with my assistant." he said, as we both stood up.

"And Ms. Kim, I'm so sorry for my bad behavior today." his voice softened, as he apologized.

"It's okay. I understand. I'll be off now."

We both bid our goodbyes, as I opened the door stepping out of his office. I fought some tears back, as I left the building.

I was constantly looking at my feet, thus, I bumped into a tall, muscular frame, making me stumble back.

"Oh, I'm sorry-"

"Jennie?" the man cut me off.

I looked up at him, only to be met by Taehyung's lovely eyes.

"Are you alright?" he asked worriedly. I responded just with a nod.

"I know you aren't. But I prepared something for us that could lift up your mood." he added, taking my hand in his and pulling me to his car.

I felt something in my stomach as he intertwined our hands. He was just holding my hand, yet it sent shivers all throughout my body.

We got in his car, and closed my eyes as he told me to do so. When the car came to a stop, he walked to my side, opening the door for me, and guiding my path, since my eyes were still closed. His hand was also covering my eyes, ensuring that I couldn't peek around.

Everyone was screaming in joy or laughing around us and I could make out some music in the background, which made me question the place he brought me to.

"Taehyung, where did you bring me?" I whined, not liking the fact that I didn't know what was awaiting me.

"You're gonna see."

We suddenly stopped in our tracks, as Taehyung took his hand away from my eyes, allowing me to open them.

"Surprise!" he yelled excitedly, standing behind me and holding my shoulders firmly.

I was looking around, not being able to hold back excitement, a smile creeping on lips.

I couldn't believe he actually brought me to one of these.

An amusement park.

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