Chapter 20

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Taehyung was busy in teaching students about the escape velocity (physics topic) and taegguk was sitting on Taehyung chair while writing something on a paper

Taehyung was busy teaching hen his phone rang he ignored the call but it rang again he again ignored it but when it rang for the third time Taehyung decided to check it he took his phone and saw that it was yoongi calling him

Taehyung excused himself and told the class that the period is over they can do what they want he took taegguk in his arms and went towards his office he entered his office and called yoongi back


"Hey bro why did you call?"Taehyung asked once yoongi picked up the phone

"Alright listen to me carefully"yoongi said sounding serious Taehyung also became serious

"Yes?" Taehyung said thinking what his friend wanted to tell him

"Is any kid with you?"yoongi asked

"Yeah ggukie is with me"Taehyung said confused

"Give ggukie his iPad and connect headphones with it and make him watch cartoons with full sound"yoongi said Taehyung now became confused and also worried

"What happened yoongi you are scaring me"Taehyung said worriedly but did what yoongi told him

"Alright now don't panic alright no need to panic hmm listen to me"yoongi said

It was hard for yoongi not being able to be with Taehyung at this much harsh moment but what can he do he was not in Seoul but he was coming back from where he was to Seoul for Taehyung the other boys were also not there they had gone to Australia for tour Ralph was also not home he was in china

Yoongi could have just told Taehyung to go to the hospital and not this drama but he knew that if Taehyung went directly to the hospital then he'll be broken and he needs to be strong at the moment if not for himself then the kids he needs to be strong in order to make the kids not too much upset and scared

"Alright I won't panic tell me" Taehyung said taking deep breathes as yoongi was telling him

"You have to be strong for your babies alright bear"yoongi said as if talking to a child and told Taehyung to turn on the tv

Taehyung hurriedly took the remote and turned on the tv and gasped loudly the remote falling from his hand the remote made a big sound but hopefully taegguk was listening to rhymes

There on tv an accident was showing Jungkook's accident his car was crushed badly and was blackened by the fire a fire brigade was putting off the fire what shocked Taehyung was the headlines below

A truck hit Mister Jeon Jungkook's car and crushed it completely the car got blasted and caught fire there was no body in the car but a body was seen lying beside the car completely burned now it's taken to the hospital

"No" Taehyung whispered in disbelief "No n-no no thi-this can't ha-happen this i-is al-all a lie"Taehyung said whispering his tears were falling uncontrollably he stood there completely shocked tears flowing from his eyes he was shaking his head in a no and whispering that this is a lie over and over again

Taehyung was lost in his thoughts and was in shock when taegguk called him little taegguk was watching his cartoon when he saw his mama carrying and standing lost in thoughts while shaking his head

"Momma"Taegguk said making Taehyung come out of his shocked state Taehyung quickly took the remote from the ground and closed the. Tv before taegguk can see what was on it

"Momma why ale(are) chu (you) clyin(crying)"Taegguk said coming towards Taehyung

"No-nothing boo 8 a-am n-not cryin-crying"Taehyung said and cleaned his face quickly he then took taegguk in his arms

"Momma me shleepy(sleepy)"Taegguk said yawning

"Al-alright sleep"Taehyung said and put taegguk's head on his shoulder and started walking outside the office he locked the office and went to the twins class and on the way he continued patting taegguk's back who fell asleep because of that

Taehyung stood outside of the class but saw that there was no one in the class he then took out his phone and called hanuel on the phone and told him to come to their class and also tell heonyu to come

After some time hanuel and heonyu came there looking worried because taehyung's voice was very cracky

"Momma what happened?"hanuel asked and cupped taehyung's face looking at him with worried eyes

Taehyung said nothing he tried hard to control his emotions and told both the twins to take their bags and come to the car

The twins did so and followed their mama to car

Taehyung put Taegguk on the baby seat and fastened his seatbelt and covered him with blanket

He closed the car's door and looked at hanuel and Heonyu who were both looking at him worriedly

"Babies y-your da-dad he he acc-accident"Taehyung said crying hard not being able to control his emotions anymore

Heonyu became a statue when he heard that hanuel also became the same but he quickly moved forward and engulfed his momma in his arms when he heard his mothers loud cries

Heonyu also came forward and hugged Taehyung tightly hanuel quickly took taehyung's phone when it rang and saw that it was yoongi who was calling

Yoongi told him that he'll be there in some minutes and that the body from accident was taken to Seoul's Hospital

Hanuel patted taehyung's and heonyu's back who were still crying and told them some comforting words and told them to sit in the car and then they all went away to Seoul's Hospital

On the way to the hospital they hanuel and Taehyung dropped taegguk and Heonyu to the house heonyu didn't want to leave and was still crying but they forcefully made him go to the house and Taehyung and hanuel went to the hospital

They both reached the hospital and quickly got out of the car and went inside

Hanuel went to the receptionist and told him about the body that was brought today from the accident

The receptionist told him the room and Taehyung and hanuel both went towards the said room

The room was closed Taehyung and hanuel waited for some seconds and then the doctor came out

"Doc-Doctor how's My Hus-Husband"Taehyung said looking at the doctor

"I'm sorry"the doctor said while looking at Taehyung sympathetically Taehyung froze on his steps while hanuel moved forward and held Taehyung when he was about to fall and glared at the doctor

"What do you mean you are sorry momma asked how is dad?"hanuel said in loud stern voice the doctor sighed

"The patients body was burned badly because of the blast and even before reaching here the patient was dead we were just checking him"the doctor said looking at the father son duo sympathetically and went away after a nurse called him

"NO"Taehyung shouted

"He can't leave me"Taehyung said crying hysterically hanuel's tears also started to flow but he composed himself for the sake of his momma as jungkook told him to always be responsible and take care of Taehyung heonyu and taegguk if any emergency occurs and jungkook is not here

"Shh momma shh it's alright"hanuel said kissing taehyung's head while his own tears were falling uncontrollably

Soon yoongi also came there and directly went towards them both and hugged them both together who were crying hard

"Yoon K-Koo he the doc-doctor says he I-is no mo-more"Taehyung said hiccuping loudly and hugged hanuel tightly who was still comforting his momma even when he himself was crying

"It's alright it's alright everything will be fine"yoongi said patting both their backs


Oh nooo🥲


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