Chapter 3

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The wind blew gently through the trees as the soldiers lay asleep around a burnt out bonfire. Some soldiers stayed awake to keep guard in the trees. The sun was bright and pierced through the leaves onto the floor. Fuji opened his eyes slowly and looked up at the blue sky. He then got up and went to the nearest tree to take a piss. He noticed something strange, he saw someone's boot poking out of one of the nearby bushes. Fuji squinted his eyes to get a closer look. What the fuck is goin on over there? Why are they in the bush? Maybe they're taking a crap. Fuji realised there was more than one man hiding and that's when he shouted.

"AMBUSH!" Fuji yelled loudly to wake the other soldiers. They got up quickly, some fumbling to get on their gear but it was too late the enemy soldiers jumped out of their hiding spots and attacked. Koji hid behind a tree as he got himself together, putting on his helmet he unsheathed his sword and was ready to fight. He looked at Jiro's hut and saw the royal guards protecting him from the oncoming onslaught of the enemy soldiers.

An Enemy soldier ran behind Koji and lifted his sword to slash koji in his back but Koji quickly turned sound hearing him coming from behind and as the enemy's sword swung down koji clashed with it. The two men struggled as the force of the swords were pressing against each other. Koji pushed the man back and the two circled each other, moving slowly and very hesitant to attack. The man was sweating and all Koji could see in his eyes was desperation and rage. The man lunged at Koji and Koji doged the blade and slabbed the man in his neck, the only place his armor didn't cover.

Koji's eyes opened wide and he was in shock that he actually killed someone, he now knew how easy it is to take someone's life. Koji removed the blade from the man's neck and the man fell to the floor. The blood from his neck spilled out onto the dirt as he tried to breath for some air. He made a raspy gasping sound as he held his neck. Koji looked around him and saw men from both sides fall dead onto the ground. It was a sight he had never seen before in his life, only through stories he knew what battle was truly.

Koji breathed heavily, fear overtook his body as he held his blade ready for another opponent to come his way. Everything around him seemed to go into slow motion, the sounds of the men screaming in pain, screaming in anger, echoed through his mind. Blood was everywhere, running through the soil and painting the trees and its leaves.

Fuji ran over to Koji, slashing his way through the rebel men. "KOJI WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING! DONT FREEZE UP NOW THIS IS WHAT WE TRAINED FOR!" Fuji grabbed Koji's shoulder as he yelled in his face.

"Sorry i- i- don't know what got a hold of me, i can't believe this is happening, so soon." Koji shook his head and took a deep breath and was ready to fight. His eyes changed from looking like he'd just seen a ghost to a man hell bent on surviving. A rebel soldier jumped from behind a tree on the right of Koji and Fuji. He swiped his sword fast and fierce at Fuji. Fuji jumped back quickly and dodged the attack and clashed his sword with the man. Koji moved quickly as the two struggled and stabbed the man right in his chest. The blue kimono on the man turned a dark red as his blood spread from his wound. Fuji pushed him onto the floor right after Koji stabbed him.

Over on the other side of the camp, The beast, a man with black hair that reached to his shoulders and a long mustache that was parted in two ways. He was a big and brolic man who wore golden armor. He wore no helmet. He slashed through the bodies of multiple rebel soldiers at once with the two axes he held in his hands, rage over took his eyes, he moved fast and destructive across the camp site. He was drenched in blood, cutting the rebel soldiers in half.

Koji and Fuji fought side by side, cutting down the men who attacked them. The Emperor's royal guards killed each man, easily protecting Jiro who stayed in his hut. Koji wanted to check up on Jiro so him and Fuji ran across the camp. But from the trees an arrow struck Koji in his right arm. He fell to the floor, Fuji grabbed Koji and dragged him quickly behind a big rock for protection.

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