when will be the last time i see you

17 1 2

Got this idea off of pintrest 😋
Enjoy pookies <3

Kellin had recently discovered, that he had a rare disease, a disease that was rarely cureable.

He dident know how he got it, but he only had a few months left to live. He dissided not to tell anyone, not his band,not his fans, not even his boyfriend.

He wanted to live the last few months in happiness, not wanting to think about how life would be after he was gone. He dident want to make his boyfriend sad.

As the doctors reenterd the room, kellin just stared at his palms,shocked at the news, he realy dident want to die. He had a good life, he was happy. He had a boyfriend now too. He dident want to lose that.

He walked back to his car after getting medicine, in hopes to cure him,  even though he knew nothing would work, nothing would be able to cure him. he sat down and started driving home.

As he walked through the door of his shared home with his boyfriend, he was greeted with a warm embrase, man I'm going to miss that he though to himself, he forced a smile and looked up at vic.

"HI sweetheart! I'm making dinner!" Vic said in a happy tone, unaware. Kellin emidetly felt a strong pang of guilt, for not telling his love about his disease.

"Hello" he said trying not to let his voice crack. He realy dident want vic to notice.
"What's wrong? What happened at the doctors?" "Nothing I just don't like doctors" kellin quickly responded,not showing his fear.

Luckily vic brushed it off, moving on to go grab plates for there dinner.

At the end of there night, and they were snuggling in bed and talking, kellins head rested on vics chest, arms wrapped around each other, "I will love you forever" vic said while tangling kellins hair with his fingers.
"I love you too" kellin responded back, " I hope we get married someday" "yeah" kellin said, almost letting a tear slip.

☆~~~Time skip~~~☆
A couple months later

Over the next few months kellin and vic went on  tons of dates, movie nights, long drives, and as many fun things kellin could think of. Vic was totally oblivious of the fact that kellins death was getting closer.

First, kellin had a cold, a realy high fever, he knew what was comming, his throat was irritated, he almost couldn't breath, vic decided to take him to the hospital, and that's when he found out.

"You're dying? Why dident you tell me?"  Vic said, all kellin said was "I'm sorry" as he slowly passed out.

Kellin stayed in the hospital bed, and vic stayed right by his side, he only got up to go to the bathroom, everyone was worried about him, he wouldn't even eat.

All that he cared about was his boyfriend. In hopes that this whole thing would pass. Vics eyes were red and puffy from crying. He looked at kellins sickly pale face, hoping to see some kind of life in the once beautiful face, but he dident see any.

Kellin was getting worse time by time, and so was vic. He had been kicked out of the hospital room as doctors were rushing in as kellin had woken up, for the first time in weeks.

Vic begged to go in, praying that he wasn't dead already, hoping to talk to him atheist one more time. The doctors finaly let him in, he rushed to kellins bedside. Kellin smiled up at him.

"I love you so much"
"I love you too"
"I don't wanna go"
"I don't want you to either"

Vic heard the heart moniter slow down, knowing that he only had a few minutes left with him. He moved the hair out of kellins face, and leaned down to kiss his forehead.

"I'll love you forever" he said
"I will never forget you" vic said

All kellin did was sit there and smile up at him. The heart monitor slowly stopped and kellin died in his arms. Vic screamed and sobbed while holding his boyfriend. He dident want to let go.

The doctors ripped him off and tried there best to save him but nothing worked.
Vic was told to wait in the lobby, he was escorted out by a nice lady who sat him down and hugged him, saying sweet words like "it will be okay" and "he's in a better place now" and "your okay" but vic wasn't going to be okay.

He dident think he'd ever be okay, he loved kellim with his whole heart.   And he would stick to his problem.

I will love you forever kellin

And I will never forget you

800 words <3

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