Should we risk it?

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For those who don't speak Spanish🧍🏽‍♀️...Uhmm...try your best to understand or ask what a sentence or word means because sometimes Google translate isn't accurate 😭😭.

(I also apologize for any spelling mistakes)


The sky a red crimson color along with the clouds a slight off shade of red yet the moon still a bright yellow though not enough to lighten the path, the slight mist making it harder to see for those who are running for their only life. To be specific, a group of 8 teens.

Heavy footsteps were heard from the group as they ran from something inhumane, far from humanity actually. Each one holds a weapon of their choosing since they've arrived yet refuse to use it afraid it'll have no effect on the creature. "TIME?!" A red head at the front of the group running a bit ahead had asked in a panic. "8 minutes!" One with blondish-gingerish hair (it's hard to tell his hair color) and with glasses in actual good health had replied looking at the time quickly as to not glance at the watch for too long so he wouldn't trip from a small distraction.

"I don't think I'm going make it!!" A brunette with blonde hair streaks yelled out clearly exhausted from the running but continued regardless knowing what their fate would be. "IF YOU FALL TELL THE PHANTOM I SAID HI...AND GIVE IT MY NUMBER!!" A dark curly haired brunette yelled to try her best to motivate the other in a humorous way. "NOT HELPING!!" Once the two finished bickering with one another they went back to their focus to live. "THE GRAVEYARD!" Oh how happy those two words made them feel happy knowing they may live to see another night.

"YEAHH!! HAY GUEY-" the blonde streaked had tripped almost falling but felt a strong grip from the silent one on their arm quickly pulling them to their feet and balancing them to continue running for their life. The redhead had made it first in the graveyard and turned around quickly waiting for the others to arrive to press the big red button which closed the gate. Once every member of the group had made it, the redhead was quick to close the gate slamming her fist on the button.

They all kept their guard up till the gate had closed though seeing the face of the creature before it closing wasn't a pretty sight to see. Once closed they each slightly relaxed a bit catching their breath from the run, though the creature had continued to bang on the door wanting in. "Alright, let's head to the bus." Each followed behind the red headed girl entering the bus to calm down, each placing their weapons in a crate they keep near the bus doors.

"UGH..THAT SUCKED!" one from the pair of twins had groaned sitting down next to his sister. "Yeah tell me about dead yet bookie?" The curly haired girl had turned to her older sister seeing her gulp down water as if it's going to disappear from the face of the earth, clearly not a runner "Nevermind got my answer.......but like-" "NOT HEARING YOU OUT ON THAT THING! What do you even see in it??" The older sister stopped drinking her water just to criticize the younger one.

"Has a nice smile" "ewie" the older one made a scrunched face of disgust "nice pearly white shiny eyes" the youngest batted her eyelash filled almond shaped eyes "doble ewie" the oldest again made another face but one of 'eres Cochina' "Nice clear ski-" "OK WE GET IT" the twin from earlier turned his body to look at the seat behind him and his twin sister just to yell at the curly haired gal and was tired of hearing her rambling, despite knowing it was a way to cope.  He still didn't like it because of their situation and it didn't make things better...sometimes. "Bro did NOT let me finish"

School Bus Graveyard + OC/selfinsertsWhere stories live. Discover now