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"Meredith kissed me," Derek relayed to Bailey as Dorothea ordered an old fashioned. "Addison kissed me. My wife and my girlfriend kissed me."

"Bailey's not going to kiss you," Dorothea pitched in, thanking Joe for the drink and taking a sip. "And I will need to be at least blackout drunk before I attempt."

"On the same day," Derek continued, sighing. "I'd have to be drunk too," he added to Dorothea. "Drunker than I was with Meredith. She was drunk when we met. I was drunk. We were mutually drunk. I'd have to be more drunk with you."


"Joe," Bailey looked to their friend. "Do I look friendly to you?"

"Of course!" Dorothea exclaimed with a smile "Look at that adorable grin, Miranda."

"You're the exception to every rule, aren't you, Duquette?"

"Yes, ma'am," Dorothea took another sip of her drink. "Derek, you need more alcohol in you. Bailey will never get through this conversation if you're sober."

"Ain't that the truth," Bailey scoffed. "McDreamy, you're sitting by someone who cares, focus on that, not me."

Dorothea snorted. "McDreamy," she shook her head with a fond smile. "I will never get over how hilarious that name is. Think the McInterns will give me a cool name?"

"They already have," Bailey gossiped, sipping her water. "You don't want to hear it?"

"McAwesome?" Dorothea asked excitedly. "McFriendly? McDornalds?" She laughed. "Get it, like McDonalds and Dorothea." She tapped Derek's arm with a laugh. "I'm so funny."

Derek shook his head, sighing. "I need new friends."

"Derek," Dorothea pouted. "Give me a McName."

"McMakingMeMiserable," Derek quipped, rolling his eyes. "Drink your old fashioned." He eyed her drink, then her for a moment. "You're drinking a grandfather's choice, but you act like a teenager. You're insane."

"You love me."

"I'm still deciding."

"I'm going to McLeave," Bailey rolled her eyes. 

"Everything is going to be fine," Derek stated, looking to Dorothea hopefully. "Addison will go back to New York, Meredith and I will start over. Everything's going to be fine, right?"

"Drink up, buttercup," Dorothea smiled sympathetically. "Fine's the first stage in 'my life is over.'"

Bailey snorted, looking over Derek's face. "You're so damn stupid."

"Amen, Bailey," Dorothea held her drink up and drank the rest. "Woooo, I'm feeling it." She looked to Joe. "Mister Joe, can I pretty please have another?"

"Since you asked nicely," Joe smiled down at her, getting her another drink. 

"Keys, Thea," Derek held his hand out and Dorothea complied, leaning against him. "I'll take you home."

"Best, best, bestttt friend ever."

"Well, isn't this cozy," Addison commented, her arm looped through Dorothea's as the pair walked to the elevator, spotting Derek's hand cupping Meredith's face. "Can I join? Or, are you not into threesomes?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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SO HIGH SCHOOL ― mark sloanWhere stories live. Discover now