V.I.L.L.I.A.N |taekook|

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Okay so my readers this is a taekook onshot idgaf About your opinion,i only listen to myself and that's it,so this story will be my pure imagination and if you don't like this kind of stories then just kindly fuck off and if you don't wanna vote or comment than fuck off rn
Disclaimer ⚠️
Mature language
Mature scene
Smut warning
Taekook toptae
Physchotic behavior
I'll do a happy ending tho
I promise that cause i can't even imagine taekook being said or hurted badly
Edit:give me sone votes and check out my other stories cause they are relabeled too
Jeon Jungkook
Cute,sassy boy
Has a double 🐰 side that you don't wanna see
Have a petite and girly body
Profession:CEO of jjk
Jjk is a popular brand
2nd richest man in Korea
Love's mafia stuff
Not a innocent bun but acts like a child but he also imagines some unholy stuff(like you and me?)
Kim taehyung
Ruthless and possessive
The devil himself
Has a very manly body like a Greek god
No.1 mafia of Korea
Also the richest person and CEO of vante
He likes pretty things and whatever he likes he gets it at any cost
In a basement
?:plz l...leave...m..me

?:how dare you to betray ME?

?:i ..I'm s.....sorry sir...t...they threatened me ..for .m ...my family

?:do i care about your fucking family?did you forgot who i am?.

?:y... you're the mafia k...king ....Kim t.taehyung

Tae:if you knew then,why did you betrayed me?woshik?

Woshik:for my family,

Tae:fuck your family, I'll send you and your family both to hell today.

Woshik:s..sir plz don't do anything to my family .

Tae:too late

Taehyung shotted the man with his gun

Tae: fucking bitch tried to Betray me tsk . clean this mess up

On the other side a bunny looking ethernal boy was sleeping peacefully in his bed until the sun rays hit his face
The boy woke up from his sleep while cutely pouting and rubbing his eyes
He went to his bathroom and came out after sometimes he got ready and came to his company where everyone bowed at him and he greeted back
Jk was always nice and lovely to his workers so everyone love their CEO and cause if his sassyness and cuteness and beauty too
Jungkook got to his cabin while greeting everyone like a good CEO
Jk:hyung, what's today's schedule?

Jimin:um,today we have a meeting with Kim taehyung,CEO of vante

Jk:oh, according to the rumors he is also a mafia right?


Jk:okay, when's the meeting?

Jimin: afternoon 3:00 pm

Jk:okay,tq, hyung

Jk: hyung

Jimin :yes, kookie

Jk:you can leave rn I'll do the other works,you can come in the afternoon,ik you have to go on a date today,bye

Jimin:how do you know?

Jk:hyung, it's visible from your actions,you should leave rn, otherwise you'll be late

Jimin:okay, kookie, I'll be back at 2:30 at your compartment,be ready

Jk:okay, hyung
By the way,kookie is very sweet that's why he don't treat his employees Like employees?he treat them like his own family that also a reason to love him
Jk did the rest of the work and left the place at 1;30 and got out from his company to his car,

V.I.L.L.I.A.N |taekook|Where stories live. Discover now