4-The Storm

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"hey? You ready snow? We need to get going or we wont make it before dark", Guqqie said to Snow as the two got ready. Guqqie had decided that she wanted to get back on the road, seek adventure and go to the one place her dad told her never to go; the prairies.

Guqqie had fashioned a satchel bag for Snowdrop's back, filled with some treats and gear for their trip. Guqqie also had a backpack filled with a week's worth of supplies. The two begun a 5 hour treck down the mountains and through valleys.

"Almost here! We just need to cross the bridge!", as the two crossed the bridge they were greeted with a beautiful view of the prairies. Rolling hills from mountain to mountain, lush flower filled fields stretched far over the horizon. In the middle of a small gathering of trees, sat a lovely village with a very small amount of activity. "This is it! We made it! Shoot its getting dark we need to hurry to find the hotel I booked!". Snow and Guqqie booked it into the village, trying not to run into the few people around.

That failed, Guqqie managed to crash right into a short man."Hey! Watch... It". There on the ground, was a short man with brown hair and a beanie. "Oh my gosh Im so sorry! I need to be more careful let me help you up!", he grabbed Guqqie's hand and stood up. "Thanks", suddenly the sky turned dark and it started to rain heavily, Guqqie put the hood of her jacket on. "Gotta go! See you around", and with that she left in a hurry down the street and away from the man. Quqqie stopped to catch her breath, she took a moment to think about the man she had accidentally knocked over. He seemed... Interesting, kinda cute.

"Ok no time to get distracted, we can work on that later, for now I need to get us to the hotel", Guqqie Turned another corner to find a small one story motel type building. It was quite cute and the vacancy sign was still on! As Guqqie stepped into the lobby, she was greeted by a smiling face of an extremely tall man with half and half hair.

"Hello, can I help you and your... Fox?", the man said as he looked at his computer then back at Guqqie and her companion. "We need a room for the week, Pretty sure I called yesterday and asked about it?", The man looked down at his computer and typed something down. "Oh yeah, Guqqie that was your name, my son Micheal spoke to you on the phone, my name is Ran and I can most definitely get you a room for the week, right this way".

He grabbed a room key and walked down the long hallway with Guqqie and Snow trailing behind with their bags and soaked clothes. He stopped at a room and handed Guqqie the key, "here you are, there is a cafe across the street tell them Ranboo sent you and they'll treat you nicely, have a great stay"

"Thank you!", Guqqie grabbed the key from Ranboo and opened the door, letting snow in first. The room was small, but it would do for a few days. Guqqie sat her bad and Snow's down on the bed and started unpacking a few things, as she did her mind started to race with thoughts of that man from earlier. Who was he? Did he live here permanently? Was he single? Nevermind that last one she thought, when she finished unpacking all the stuff.

With Snow Sprawled out on the floor, enjoying her nice nap, Guqqie put on her pj's and tucked into bed. She couldn't stop thinking about that man, she wanted- no, needed to figure it out! The woman slowly drifted off to sleep, forgetting everything from the day and focusing on her sweet dreams.


"AHHHH!", Guqqie awoke dripping in sweat, she looked around her in a daze to see she was still safe in the hotel room bed. Catching her breath, Guqqie slipped out of bed, looking at the clock that read 4:37 am.

Awesome. She put on her shoes and a sweater, took a notebook and pen then went down the hall to the main lobby. The tall man Ranboo was still working at the front desk, he looked like he was going to fall asleep. Guqqie sat down at a small table, the chair almost engulfing her. She decided to draw, draw her way out of the nightmare she woke up to be scared of. Guqqie had often faced nightmares before, it was one of her jobs afterall.

Long ago her mother had given her a task maybe a little to tall for her daughter; to carry all the bad dreams so the humans could sleep in peace. Since then, the woman had kept a journal where she drew all the things she had seen in those nightmares. This one was a standard, something under the bed was chasing her and she couldn't find a way out.

Guqqie had lots of drawings with different dreams, some of her falling an others more out of the box. Guqqie drew her nightmare in great detail, making sure to shade the thing chasing her.

Her masterpiece was finished, but she couldn't help but feel something was watching her. "OH JESUS CHRIST! you scared me what are you doing?", Ranboo was sitting right across from Guqqie, she had no idea when he had sat down. "Sorry, I wanted to see what you're drawing, it's really cool". "Thanks, hey could I ask you a question?", Guqqie looked at Ranboo. She was hoping he knew about that man from the rain, maybe just maybe the town was small enough. "Sure, why not?", Ranboo said as he looked at Guqqie, questioning why she was going to ask. 

"Do you know who that long brown haired guy is? The one with the black beanie and button up shirt?"

"Oh... Yeah, That's  Aimsey"



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