🍭13. (P5) Loving my arranged Husband

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*Shubman's POV*

After helping Ishan change, we both lay down in the bed, tied up in each other. 
I felt Ishan fall asleep the exact moment and I slowly slipped off too. 

I then suddenly woke up to a wet feeling near my collarbones, and it was indeed Ishan, my husband. 
He was kissing and sucking on that spot and I was trying my best to hold my moans in. Man, that felt so good... but wrong at the same time... fuck it. He's my husband and he has the right to do whatever he wants to me. I allow him to do this 

I knew if I moved right now, he'd wake up. But the way he was unknowingly biting and sucking was absolutely driving me crazy. I could feel the tightness in my lower region and I felt guilty af... But can you really blame me? My husband is the Ishan Kishan-Gill.

It had been about 10 minutes and his kisses weren't exactly stopping and I couldn't take the pain anymore. I slowly put his thumb instead of my skin and he continued his sucking.

I went to the washroom and locked the door behind me... Ishan Kishan-Gill, this is because of you.

*Ishan's POV*

My sleep was broken, and I woke up. It was still night. And Shubman wasn't here. I realised I had been sucking on my thumb...

Wait... So.. had I...?
"Shubi?... Baby?" I called out in the dark room, but no response.
I then heard loud curses and moans coming from the washroom, and someone was calling my name too.

"Ugh.. fuck- Ishu Ishu Ishu- Ohh- Ughh-"
My face turned red... I guess what I'm thinking is right.

I then heard the flushing noise and the door opened a minute later.
I got up from my bed, and he stood there frozen.
"Shubi..... Show me where did I kiss you?" I asked, my face too flushed.

He removed his shirt and there were red-purple hickeys all over his collarbones.
"I-.. I did that?"
"Yes, Darling. Don't you like it?"
"I- I-.. yes" I said, blushing even more.

He smirked and I felt my knees giving up already. I immediately held on his shoulders to stop myself from falling and he wrapped his arms around my waist too.
"Y-you uhm.. I- I w-want to- Umm-"
"Can I kiss you?"

He asked and I nodded eagerly, knowing I wouldn't be able to form words even if I wanted to.
He then smashed his lips on mine, holding the weight of both of us.

He motioned me to jump, but I tried the maximum I could. He lifted me up in a go and then placed me on the bed. Our lips never breaking.

His just felt so soft against mine and I wanted so much more. A lot more suddenly.

I was laying on the bed and he had climbed over me, kissing me still with all his desire.
I then unhooked my hands from behind his neck and slowly traveled them down his bare chest.

The moment I touched his nipples, which were hard and puffed red by now, he moaned into the kiss and our tongues met.

It was a feeling of heaven literally. Our tongues danged together and I messed with his nipples. I could feel him getting uneasy second by second, but I was enjoying it too much.

He broke the kiss and we both panted for air. Lips swollen and covered in saliava.
"What are you doing, Darling? Do you know what you're starting? Are you willing to finish it, Jaan?"

I nodded and suddenly took one of his nipples in my mouth, teasing the bud with my tongue and sucking on it.

"O- ah- Ah- Uh-Nghhh- oh- Fuck- Babe- Oh-" I continued sucking his left nipple, while his hands found their way to under my shirt.
On purpose, he ran his hands everywhere but my sensitive buds and then pulled on the shirt.

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