Part 9

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Kyrie PoV
We had a great meal. Kurtis is a really superb chef. I took the dishes to the kitchen and placed them in the dish washer. By the time I were done it was still a bit early so we decided to watch a movie before Kurtis left. As we were watching the movie my phone started ringing so I got up to take the phone call. I grunted when I saw who was calling, my 'mom'. I hit ignore but she called again so I sighed and picked up the call.
"What"I said dryly. "Don't you dare talk to your mother like that"she said. "Oh it was a slip of the tongue, Good evening mother" I said with my voice laced with venom as I said 'mother'. "Good evening" she replied. "Why did you call?"I asked in a monotone and cold voice. "I called to remind you that today you have dinner at our place" she said ." What! I don't recall having a program like that " I said in an annoyed voice. "Well too bad you have to come and its final" she stated. I grunted "Fine I am on my way, when is the dinner ?" "It is at 7pm but I want you here by 6pm so that My people can do your makeup and get you dressed" she said. "What! No I can do that on my own" I replied. " I don't want to work on you either but it was an order from your dad, he wants you to look your best." She said while gaging. I rolled my eyes and sighed. What did I do to deserve this. "Okay I will be there at 6pm." I replied dryly. "Good"she said then hung up. It was a 2hr drive to my parents' home meaning I had to leave now in order to reach by 6pm. I just sighed and walked to the kitchen counter and poured myself a glass of water and drank it then put on a fake smile and walked back to Kurtis.

Kurtis PoV

As we were watching the movie Kyrie's phone begun to ring so she excused herself to answer it . As I waited for her to come back I decided to go to the kitchen to grab some snacks.

When I was about to eneter the kitchen I heard someone talk and I peeked in to see it was Kyrie talking on the phone. I was about to turn around to leave since I didn't want to invade her privacy then I heard her say 'Good evening mother' and I was shocked to hear legit venom laced in her voice as she said mother. I could have never imagined Kyrie sounding so monotonous and cold. Her and her mum must not get along.

Out of curiosity I continued listening then I heard her exclaim in an annoyed tone then grunting and agreeing. The conversation continued for a few more seconds then she sighed and hung up. She rubbed her temples then went and got herself a glass of water. After that she put on the fakest smile I could have ever imagined and started to head in my direction so I quickly went back to the coach. I noticed her frown a bit but the moment she saw me she fake smiled again. Whatever was wrong with her and her mum she did not seem to want to share it because when I asked her if everything was fine she just nodded. I didn't want to force information out of her so I didn't say anything.

Kyrie PoV
I think Kurtis noticed the change in my mood because he asked if everything was fine and all I could do was nod in response. "Umm Kurtis a family dinner has just come up so unfortunately we have to cut our movie short but I"ll talk to you later okay. I am so sorry for bailing on you"I said. "Don't worry I understand, good luck and be safe"he said. I sighed and gave him a fake smile."Don't worry I..." I stopped mid way my sentence as I felt Kurtis hug me.

At first I was shocked but I slowly melted in his embrace and wrapped my arms around his body it was so warm and I wanted stay like that forever but all good things come to an end. He broke away from the hug and said " I mean it, family can be hectic" this caused me to give him a weak genuine smile cause I felt like he understood. I walked him to the door but before he left he took a step closer to me then he cupped my cheeks and pulled my head closer to his then he pecked my forehead and said"Please be safe okay and if you every need me just call " while handing me a note with his number on it. I smiled at him and waved as he left till I couldn't see him anymore. I could feel my stomach doing backflips as I remember what had just happened then I sighed dreamily. How could have been so lucky to have met him?

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