A Predatory Glint

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The following morning, a fragile hope flickered in Taehyung's eyes as he entered Jungkook's room.

The sunlight filtering through the window cast a warm glow on Jungkook's pale face. He was still unconscious, but his breathing seemed a little stronger, a little more even.

After feeling him soup, he stared at his lover's face for hours

Taehyung approached the bedside, a small, sad smile gracing his lips. He leaned down and gently kissed Jungkook's forehead. "Bye, Koo," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.

"Get better soon, baby"

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, he grabbed his belongings, he glanced at jungkook on last time as he exited the room. He needed to discuss the plan with naina, to strategize their next move.

Suddenly, someone appeared infront of him around the corner making taehyung gasp in horror, causing him to bump their shoulders. Tae sighed in relief as he saw naina infront of him

"Taehyung!" she exclaimed, her voice barely above a whisper. Before he could respond, she grabbed his hand

"No time for hallway chats," she said urgently, her voice barely above a whisper. "Follow me"

They walked in the hallway, she glanced back over his shoulder if someone is there behind them or not

naina stopped in front of a small, unoccupied room. The sign above the door simply read "Staff Only."  She pushed open the door and pulled him inside

"What happened, naina?" Taehyung asked, his heart hammering against his ribs.

Taking a deep breath, naina said "I found out about Jungkook's doctor. His name is Dr. Lee Minjo, and apparently, he's the head doctor for the VIP section of the hospital"

Taehyung nodded his head

"And also" naina continued, her voice dropping to a low whisper. "I need to see Jungkook's medical reports for further medications"

"But i dont-"

naina chewed on her lip "Dr. Lee Minjo. He has them. But with him being the head of the VIP section, getting access to those reports will be nearly impossible"

"But how do we get those reports from him ?"

Taehyung frowned panic rising in his chest, naina smiled as she squeezed Taehyung's hand reassuringly. "Don't worry about a thing," she said in her sweet thai accent "Leave that on me tae"

she grasped his hand and taking him away from the fourth floor's Staff room.

She went to the first floors Staff room where naina usually goes during her break time or grab a quick bite to eat, naina managed to borrow a spare medical coat. It was a bit big on Taehyung

Next, naina needed a way to identify Taehyung as a legitimate member of the staff.  Luckily, her eyes spotted an old, unused ID badge inside the drawer.

naina quickly borrowed a pen and scribbled Taehyung's name onto the blank space beneath a faded photo of another staff member.

naina helped Taehyung slip on the oversized coat and pin the ID to his chest. Now, at least from a distance, he looked the part of a hospital worker.

A nervous flutter of excitement danced in Taehyung's stomach as he looked at naina with grateful eyes, naina nodded her head as she patted Taehyung's back taking him out of the staff room

Taehyung stood beside naina, fidgeting with the unfamiliar fabric of the lab coat. naina looked at Taehyung who was nervously looking around the place while biting his lower lip

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