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it is time for a chapter about everyone's favourite blondie
before we start i'd like to say that i am absolutely fucking biased here because i am very, very much in love with him so this is probably going to feel like a declaration of love and for that i am absolutely not sorry because he deserves it

okay, so let's start by saying that he is so fucking talented, like HELLO!? his voice, his drumming and his songwriting skills??? JEEZ, i am so impressed!?

i don't think we need to have a long debate regarding why his voice is so fucking awesome??? 
A) we have the falsettos / the high notes™ (some of my favourites)
- My Fairy King
- Ogre Battle
- Seven Seas Of Rhye
- In The Lap Of The Gods
- '39
- Bohemian Rhapsody (i feel this one is always so overlooked although it's literally their most famous song????)
- Somebody To Love
- etc.
like, in general his high harmonies? they are so beautiful and my ears are simply blessed by hearing them 
B) we have his rough and raspy rocker voice while he still has such a beautiful ballad voice? i LOVE that
- I'm In Love With My Car? that "my life is in your hands / i'll fo and i'll fie" line in March Of The Black Queen? Fight From The Inside? Modern Times Rock n'Roll?
- his ballad voice? heard in Tenement Funster (although it's mixed with his rocker voice here), but especially in later works, e.g. "Let Me Live" and of course "No One But You"
C) HIS LIVE VOCALS??? my god, i am so weak for them
- his raspy backing vocals are the reason i breathe and most of the time forget to do it, the way he harmonizes with Freddie and Brian, how he takes over when Freddie's voice is too exhausted, his lead voice and jfc, his falsetto LIVE WHILE DRUMMING!? dear Rog, how fucking talented do you want to be?? as a Roger Taylor stan for life, bless all the concert audios out there because i fucking need them to exist properly

and now to the talk about drumming - he IS a fucking talented drummer, don't you ever say something different!!!! like, i have seen so many comments on youtube clips of him that are like "nah, he is not even average" "might have a good voice but his drumming is mid at max" and i'm always like "DO YOU WANT TO MEET MY KNIFE NOW OR LATER?" 
that man's drumming is NOT MID OR AVERAGE OR WHATEVER, HAVE YOU SEEN HIM????? one of the best examples is the Rock Montreal performance, for two main reasons 
A) the drum solo 

you can fucking see the passion he has, and the details he puts into playing, especially when it comes to the timpanis (if you don't know, you can change their tone with a pedal, that's what he's doing here) - it takes talent to do play the drums and timpanis like that??? you can't just do it like that!? (coming from someone who has tried to play drums a few times already)
the way he is completely focused on the drums and then plays?? how can you call him untalented??
B) I'm In Love With My Car

(yes, i know "Killer Queen" is in this video as well but let's appreciate the transition, shall we?? LITERALLY CAN'T WAIT FOR ROCK MONTREAL TO FINALLY BE ON DISNEY PLUS)

but back to Rog - i believe this shows excellently how great of a drummer he is
it's not an easy song to play, as you can see and hear he's drumming so fast (AND HE'S STILL SINGING, HELLO???) and he's using a lot of different drums in a short period of time 
plus, the way he uses the cymbals, playing them and immediately muting them again WHILE continually playing requires a lot of coordination and practise, so how dare you say HE IS MID???

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