Fixing my Mistakes

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"Bye, Mom. Bye, Dad."

"Where are you going like that?" asks my father as he sees me coming down the stairs all dressed up.

I carry with me only my backpack - with two thick biology books - and a cold jacket over my shoulder, hoping it will be enough to keep me warm against the low temperature outside.

My parents are preparing dinner together, a moment as rare as me being happy to study at someone's house. It seems that strange acts are destined to converge today, and I wonder what else awaits me for the rest of the day.

Maybe it's not such a good idea to know the answer after all.

"Uh... Extra classes, remember?" I answer with indifference.

My mother smiles sweetly.

"You look handsome! Are you sure it's for studying?"

"Mum!" I reproach, blushing. I don't do well with unexpected compliments, even more so when they come from her. "I'm off. I'll be back around eleven."

Before I hear any further comments from the two of them, I close the door behind me and desperately get into my car, charged by an untimely feeling. Calm down... It's just genetics, it's too easy , I trick my brain to make sure the adrenaline rush is because of the content, and not because I, from today, would have to live with a boy I had never even imagined approaching. I don't know what to expect from my connection with Arthur from now on, but for someone who shut my mouth with a few sentences yesterday, I might have an idea.

Maybe it's not so bad to have him as a colleague. He's kind of fun.

I sigh and turn on the car soon after, finally coming out of my own daydream.

Arthur's house is large at first sight, surrounded by an extremely extensive and well-kept garden

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Arthur's house is large at first sight, surrounded by an extremely extensive and well-kept garden. The most incredible thing is that part of the rooms are under a large glass window that makes it possible to see the constellations and be enchanted by them - a touch that I would give anything to have in my house. A rustic and well polished wood is practically the main material surrounding all the walls, except for parts containing glass in one corner or another, intensifying even more the modernity of the place. It looks like those fancy houses from fancy movies.

Apart from that - enough to raise my eyebrows in admiration of the structure - there is nothing else of detail.

I confirm the address I've jotted down on a piece of paper and get out of the car afterwards, getting a cold wave of air against my body. I was right to have opted for a denser outfit.

I ring the doorbell of the house, waiting for some response. Even the door, I notice, is made of evidently expensive and well-positioned shiny marble, with a metal bar perpendicular to the height replacing a lock.

Wow, man... That's pure lust.

That's what comes of judging, based on physiognomies alone, harmless boys from the school I attend to, and observing the architecture of Arthur's house makes me realise how distant he is compared to the first versions I had of him in my thoughts. The boy is rich and I didn't even know it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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