CHAPTER 4 : is she real ?

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"Pushing someone away , wouldn't help in forgetting those feeling which linger inside your heart "

Wen junhui

A month later...

I walk inside my company , as other employee were greating when I walk past them. Stan was walking by my side informing about the chang-Eun

"Sorry sir for now but we can't able to hold his other property " he informed making me clench my hand into tight fist.
As I stop in between and turn to him

"And whys that ?" I stare at him as I greeted my teeth .

"Soory sir but he paid his pending loan after selling his company's share and few other property but still he left with few in some ilands "

"I don't care what you do but make sure to have that land under our name. I Just want that man to see begging me even for single bread for food "

"Sure sir we will try to find the solution "

"And try to keep me updating his location " I spoke and turn to walk away but stopped again " did you find anyone related to him ,who can help him in this situation ?"

"For now their is no one for him , he Don't have any relative or son. He just having his secretary who is with him from the start "

"Okh , you can go back to your work then "

"Sure sir " saying that he walked away.

I sighed thinking about how to make that man's life miserable just like he did to me . even though I steal his company from him but still he didn't get on his knees. He wouldn't  admit his sins not untill he will be torture to the death and I will make sure of that.

I started walking back to my office ,thinking about the way to ruin that man untill someone bump into me as all the coffee pour on my cloths.

I groan in irritation and looked up to that person but my mind froze seeing the person in front of me. The same girl which I want to take out of my head from past one month ,is now standing infront of me.


Doe hanna

"Sorry , I didnt mean to do that " I panic when I suddenly bump into someone ending up to spill all my coffee on his cloths.

I got scared to open my eyes to look up to the man as I juts continue to say sorry again and again . I messed up things on my first day in my new workplace.

"Please forgive me sir " I mumble felling all guilty . things are already hard for me and Now This.

"Who are you ?" I heard the familiar deep voice as I slowly open my eyes and looked upto the man.

As soon as my eyes met with those familiar dark orbs .I feel myself getting froze.

Its him , the same person from the coffee shop who came month  back in france. 

I can feel the same feeling capturing my heart again. My whole surrounding fell numb as I only saw him looking deep down to my eyes . my heart started to take pace , my stomach filled with tons of butterflies.

"If you done with staring , would you like to answer my question "

I finally snap out of my thoughts . my cheeks get crimson red in embarrassment as I look down to hide them.

CHOI EMPIRE Book 4 : wen junhui Where stories live. Discover now