chapter26~father emotions♥

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After some days.

Abhira was in her room suddenly she started to feel pain in stomach and she see blood was there on her dress and bed sheet.

She get scared she ask maid"go and call mata".

Maid goes and said"maharani abhira has call you".

Arjun and subhadra look at each other.

Subhadra said"arya you finish your work I will come meeting abhira".

Arjun nodded.

Subhadra goes in abhira room and said"what happened my dear say ".

Abhira explain her everything. Subhadra Understand and said" You have grown up my child you got your first period".

Abhira said"what period ".

Subhadra explain her everything and tell her what to do in this time and what should avoid.

Abhira said" But stomach is hurting mata".

Subhadra said"don't worry it's natural I will prepare juice for you It will make you relief. "

Abhira nodded.

Subhadra said"go and change you dress I will ask maid to change you bedsheet.

Abhira nodded and goes to change her dress.

Subhadra goes back to her chamber she goes inside room and see Arjun was sitting on sofa.

Arjun feel subhadra presence and look at door.

Subhadra goes near him. Arjun make her sit besides him and ask"what happened why abhira call you".

Subhadra said"our daughter is grown up arya she has her first period. She now become a teenager she is growing up".

Arjun was feeling insecure and sad he just met abhira and having his time with her closely and suddenly he felt like she is grown into a girl now she looking beautiful and need to protect her form every thing and subhdra happiness as like every mother would feel as it's her daughter first celebration and her plans and Arjun was sitting with fear like his daughter is grown up and him feeling insecure about her responsibility .

Seeing Arjun expression subhadra keep her hand on his shoulder and ask"arya what happened ".

Arjun said" Bhadra i just start to spend my time with my daughter and after this new I feel she will grow up soon and get married and leave me".

Subhadra said"arya why you are thinking right this she just had her first period it is normal in girl life. And not soon but one day she need to get married and go to her law house like how I leave my house and come with you she will got a perfect husband like I got you ".

Arjun said" Yes I will find a best person for my daughter I will not make her marry soon she will marry when she wish and I will protect her I am just insecure priya ".

Subhadra said" Don't worry and yes arya we need to celebrate this day as its us first celebration in girl life it is most important ".

Arjun said" Yes priya we will celebrate this day grandly ".

Subhadra said" Arya ".

Arjun look at her and raised his eyebrows.

Subhadra said" We need to invite hastinapur and dwarka family too".

Arjun said"bhadra we can invite dwarka family I don't to meet hastinapur family".

Subhadra said" arya hastinapur is our family and during this celebrations we need to invite them it matter of three days only".

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