list nr 3

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I look at old messages and have flashbacks. I'm drowning in sadness and despair when I read them, it was so beautiful. Of course, something had to go wrong.
But one minute with you, one hug, one kiss is enough for me to feel better. I love you and I won't stop even if you were to be in the past, I will never forget you.
If you feel like garbage, remember that you will always end up in my trash.
When you call, I will answer and tell you this: I will make you a richer bitch, with me you will learn many things and gain more experience. I love you.
No one can hurt you, but you can hurt anyone. Remember that.
Let's look into the future with hope and let's leave the past behind. Even though it was difficult, we still exist, we fight every day, we hurt every day and we gain more experience.
Come to me and let's delve into the present.

 listy do mojego życia i księżniczki [ENG] Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz