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"Hurry children we mustn't waste and more time" Mrs Weasley said in a worried voice.
"Mum, where are we going?" Ginny asked scared.
"As far away from here as we can, I don't have a specific location in mind, but I'm open to suggestions." Mr Weasley.
"Your father's right, please speak up."

Hermione grabbed one of her books, and quickly flipped through it. She pointed at a page mark
"According to; Maps of the World and Beyond. There's a town not far from here called, Panem. It looks to be divided, but may be a good place to lay low until things settle down." She handed the book to Mr Weasley.
He studied it carefully
"Our best chance is to apparate, it's extremely risky, but it will get us away from here. And the sooner and farther we get away, the better."
"Are you sure about this Arthur?" Mrs. Weasley asked
"No. But we have no other options. All together now, everybody focus, we don't need anyone getting Splinched."
"Trust me, it hurts" Ron spoke up.
Mrs Weasley looked horrified, but now was not the time.

They stood together and grabbed hands, each one looking more nervous than the next
"Ready kids?" Mr Weasley asked.
They all nodded.

"One... two... three."

In a flash, they were gone.


They landed in a field, which according to Hermiones book, was a four hours walked from their desired location

"I wanted to get as close as I could without giving away our location, you never know whose watching or listening." Mr Weasley explained.


Groans and moans came from the back
"Oh, hush Ronald"
she snapped.
"Mum I still don't get why we can't use are wands, it would be a lot easier than walking" Ron said back.
Mr. Weasley turned and looked at his son "Because son, the ministry has all are wands tracked, one spell and were toast."
Then another moan came
"Can you please not mention food, I'm starving back here"
George said holding his stomach
"Oh sorry George"
Mrs. Weasley said rubbing his arm.
"Mr. Weasley can't we just use a porkey or apparate again?" Hermione asked.
"No. Once was risky enough." He responded firmly.

After a while of walking a thud followed by a small scream came from the back of the crowed, Mrs Weasley's ran to the back to comfort her daughter
"Oh Ginny! Are you alright dear?"
Ginny shook her head
"No I think I twisted my ankle" tears streamed down her face.
Hermione leaned over her "I'll fix it."
She pulled out her wand
"Hermione, no." Mr Weasley's said sternly, Hermione frowned and put away her wand
"How is she suppose to walk?"Hermione asked.
They all stopped and looked and Ginny with long faces
"George. You and Ron carry Ginny. And Molly, you and Hermoine take they're backpacks" They all nodded and did as they were told.

In the back Neville and Luna walked side by side
"I miss Harry" Neville said sadly,
Luna smiled "Yes me too, he was quite extraordinary"
Neville smiled at Luna
"yeah I remember when we first came to hogwarts, he stood up for me and help me stand up to my enemy's. We one the house cup because of that you know" he said smiling. Luna smiled back, then without warning she leaned in and kissed him.
" We've both almost died, I figure why wait." She spoke softy to him.
Neville grinned. He grabbed Luna's hand and squeezed it.

Ron looked from Luna and Neville to Hermione, and without missing a beat kissed her too
"She's right you know, why wait."
Hermione blushed "Taking a page out of Luna's book are we?"
"maybe, she may be Looney, but she's go nerve that's for sure." Ron giggled.
Hermione playfully hit him on the shoulder
"I love you Ronald Weasley."
"I love you too Hermione Granger." He smiled back. Their hands clasped together.

Ginny looked over at her big brother, tears trickled out of her eyes. An arm, wrapped around her, for a split second she thought it was Harry. Looking up she realized it was her other brother Percy
"You miss him huh Ginny?" He asked already knowing the answer.
She nodded.
"I just cant believe he's gone, and the worst part is he sacrificed himself for nothing."
"We escaped, that has to count for something." Percy replies back.
Ginny looked up at him, her eyes cold
"What about everybody else, whose going to save them?"
Before he found answer, Ginny sprinted up towards George. He grabbed her hand and they walked in silence together, both too over come by their grief to speak.

"Molly dear, look." Mr Weasley's said to his wife happily. Molly smiled "Kids!"
They all looked up.
Cautiously they walked towards the fence (except for Ginny who was carried) Molly looked at her husband and gave him a look, he nodded
"Kids wands out, but do not cast a spell unless absolutely necessary." One by one each of them  brought there wands out and held them high.

As they approached the fence two teenagers stepped out and held bows out
"Who are you?" They asked sternly.
Mr Weasley's stepped up, the bows followed his movement
"We mean you no harm, we're on the run. I'm Arthur and this is my family and our friends."
He motioned to the group to lower their wands. Reluctantly they obliged.

The girl and boy lowered there bows
"Which District?" The boy asked.
The group looked back at them confused
"You aren't from around here are you?" The girl answered.

Mr. Weasley shook his head
"We come from a school, outside Great Britain."
"You said, you're on the run? From what?" The boy asked, looking around.
"Someone very powerful." Mrs. Weasley shuttered.
"Were you followed?" The boy asked raising his bow.
"No. We were separated from the others, the ones who made it out anyway." Mr Weasley piped in.

The girl nodded at the boy then stepped forward, she smiled sadly
"Come with us, it's not safe out here." She walked back towards the boy
"I'm Katniss, this is Gale. Welcome to District 12."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2019 ⏰

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