𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷: 𝓒𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓐𝓲𝓻

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The air was thick with tension aboard the Cursed Corsair after days of Hazel's stubborn silent treatment towards Rowan. The first mate decided it was time to take drastic action to break the impasse.

As the first golden rays of dawn crested over the ocean's calm surface, Rowan approached Hazel's cabin and rapped firmly on the weathered door.

"Hazel? Get your lazy ass out here. We're going to settle this once and for all," she called out gruffly.

There was an irritated grumble from within, then the door swung open with a protesting creak to reveal Hazel glowering up at the taller woman, arms crossed defiantly over the swell of her blouse. The feather adorning her tricorn hat seemed to quiver with indignation.

"And just what makes you think I'll entertain any more of your foolishness, Brigham?" she spat out the question like an insult.

Rowan's stormy eyes remained coolly impassive as her calloused hands came to rest with casual confidence on the hilts of her twin curved blades.

"Because I'm not leaving until you tell me what's got your knickers in such a bloody twist," she stated evenly. "Friendly spar on the deck - last one standing gets the truth from the other. No more lies, no more games."

A spark of competitive interest flickered momentarily behind Hazel's smoldering glare at the challenge. She was never one to back down, especially not to Rowan. With a terse nod, the captain brushed past the taller woman and stalked towards the upper deck, coat tails swishing behind her.

Soon the harsh clangs and scuffs of clashing steel rang out, echoing over the lapping waves. Rowan's brow was furrowed in intense focus as she parried, riposted, and deflected each of Hazel's furious offensive strikes. The smaller woman's cheeks were flushed with anger, each blow fueled by the hurt of perceived betrayal.

"Why...won't you...just talk...to me?" Rowan grunted between exchanges, her firm defensive stance allowing no openings.

"So you can...lie again?" Hazel shouted back, teeth grit with effort as she pressed her attack relentlessly. 

With a subtle flick of her wrist, Rowan suddenly hooked the curve of her blade behind Hazel's calves, sweeping her legs out from under her in one fluid motion. The captain crashed hard onto the deck, the air knocked from her lungs.

In the span of a blink, Rowan had smoothly straddled the smaller woman, one knee pinning Hazel's sword arm as the razor-sharp tip of her dagger rested threateningly against the rapid pulse of her throat. With her free hand, Rowan captured both of Hazel's wrists, pinning them above her head against the deck.

"Submit," Rowan growled in a low rumble, her warm breath feathering over Hazel's flushed face. "And I'll tell you the truth you're owed."

Hazel held the taller woman's burning stare for a defiant stretch, chest heaving, before giving the barest acquiescent nod of surrender. Rowan sheathed her dagger but kept the smaller woman pinned securely beneath her muscular frame, one powerful thigh pressed against Hazel's midsection.

The captain awkwardly propped herself up on one elbow, finally meeting Rowan's steady gaze.

"In the tavern...I saw you laughing and canoodling with that strange woman," Hazel began, unable to mask the thread of hurt in her gravelly tone. "I got...well, you know, rather jealous" She trailed off, suddenly feeling foolish.

Realization dawned in Rowan's storm-colored eyes and her furrowed features softened minutely. She reached out to gently cup Hazel's face, tilting it up so their eyes met.

"Hazel..." she murmured, calloused thumb grazing the curve of the smaller woman's cheekbone. "That lass was just an old friend offerin' aid fencing off some unsavoury goods from her latest procurement. Nothin' more, I swear it."

Hazel searched Rowan's warm grey eyes, finding only sincerity and fondness reflected back at her. A rueful smile tugged at the lips the blonde had caressed as understanding bloomed in her chest, warming it.

"You stubborn, reckless ox...I've been a right fool about this, haven't I?" The captain murmured wryly. 

"Aye, that you have," Rowan grinned back crookedly, not a shred of mockery in her tone as she gazed down at the woman pinned beneath her powerful frame. "Though I can't rightly say I mind having to win a few rounds using knives instead of words."

Hazel's breath hitched as Rowan leaned in closer until their faces were a hairsbreadth apart, the first mate's thumb lightly brushing over the fullness of her lower lip. After a chastely rulebound life of order, Hazel suddenly found herself quite done with following any rules at all.

Their lips met in a searing, needful kiss that tasted of the briny ocean spray and longing. Rowan's free hand cradled the back of Hazel's head, angling her mouth for deeper exploration as their tongues met. Hazel strained against Rowan's grip on her wrists, desperate to touch the other woman's toned body, but the first mate kept her firmly restrained.

When they finally parted for air, Rowan rested her scarred forehead against Hazel's, grey eyes sparking with open affection and desire.

"No more secrets between us, eh Haze? We sail together towards whatever end," she husked, making no move to extract herself from their intimate entanglement.

A radiant smile curved Hazel's lips as she arched up hungrily to capture Rowan's mouth in another bruisingly passionate kiss, all thoughts of propriety banished. Rowan's groan of approval vibrated between their fused lips when Hazel nipped at her full lower lip with teasing teeth. 

"To whatever end, Rowe," Hazel finally agreed breathlessly between searing caresses, straining fruitlessly against her bonds. "Till the tides take us."​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

I lost bits of my soul writing some of this cringy chapter 😭

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