Pre Drama <\3

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A week passed by and they started writing..
"Hey Kenny!" Said drake with an enthusiastic voice
"Hi drake" Kendrick camly replied
They walked to the studio..
"This is where the magic happens!" Said drake as kendrick looked around
"Are you ready, Kenny-boo?"
"R-ready as I'll ever be.."
Drake looked at kendrick as his brown eyes twinkle
"3 2 1!" they shouted before they started rapping
They rapped with the best flow you've ever seen. They rapped fast with no stuttering, and a steady and even voice. They released the song a week later.
It instantly became a hit single!
Drake took a break from edging and checked his phone.. "HOLY MOLY MACARONI!!" He exclaimed as he looked at the views and likes.
He immediately called up kendrick kun "Ermm.. Kenny i think you wanna see this, come over!" Kendrick didn't even get enough time to answer but drake already hung up. "What was that about??" Kendrick thought to himself. Nevertheless he immediately left his house and drove to drakes house. "Drake??" Kendrick said as he frantically knocked on drakes door
Drake ran to the door and greeted kendrick inside.. "Okay drake, what was oh so urgent?" Asked kendrick. "This" Drake responded with a confident sigma voice. He showed kendrick the views. "That's insane bro!" Kendrick replied in a happy voice. "maybe wanna go to the ice-cream parlor?" drake asked kendrick. "Sure!" Kendrick camly replied. Kendrick drove drake to the ice cream parlor. Drake was a regular, so he knew every employee. That day Melissa was working, his favourite employee (maybe because she was 16 but whatever) drake and kendrick entered the the ice-cream shop. "Hey drake! Who's this?" Melissa asked drake. "I WANT TO SUCK KENS DICK!, I-I mean this is kendrick!" drake said hoping no one heard him" (he called kendrick Ken for short) "oh ok, the usual?" Melissa asked drake. "yep" drake responded. "how bout you, Ken?" Drake asked kendrick. "I'll just have strawberry" Kendrick hesitantly replied. "Coming up!" Said Melissa. They ate their ice cream and kendrick drove home..

To be continued.. 😈

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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