'SMG4 lazily awoke from his slumber, he had a ROUGH night sleep and-'
SMG4 : 'Mhh- . . . Five more minutes random narrator with a sexy low pitched vo- . . Wait.'
The meme boy hesitantly sat up in his pull out sofa bed, he didn't sleep rough at all! And who the hell was this guy? he surely didn't hire somebody to narrate his entire everyday average Saturday morni- before he could even finish his train of thought a whip lash of pain hit his lower back which crept upwards toward the back of his neck.
SMG4 : 'AUGHHH! WHAT THE- OUCH!?-WOW! OKAY- OW! Ow ow ow OWWwwwww ....' -He cried making a very pained expression on his face, crumpling his brows-
Before getting slightly interrupted by said SMG4 himself the so called 'narrator' proceeded to dialogue.
'As I was saying- Four awoke from the comforting quilts of his own and- SMG4 : 'WHOA! Okay hold on there dude . . Who the hell are you? And not just that, Whyyyyyyeeee are you here in the first place? I'm pretty sur-HOLY SHIT! MY BACK JESUS.'
'-Then SMG4 exhaled longingly and stretched as his back clicked aloud vigorously in a few random select places.
Like the voice had previously stated , SMG4 sighed aloud and stretched with a broken squeal of pain to go with it.
SMG4 : 'AAAAAAA- CRAP!, WA-WHAT THE HECK DUDE???? I DID NOT do that on my own, let alone ask for YOU to do it for me! But my question still stands ; who the HELL are you?! And why are you acting as though this hole thing is just a good ol' stupid ass fairytale that you single handily wrote yourself?
SMG4 tried to confront the voice but it just wouldn't listen, it ignored him for this time being which angered the man quickly.
'The meme guardian now fully awake, gets out from beneath his bed covers and makes his way towards the door exiting his room and heading toward the bathroom to freshen up and get ready for another wacky Saturday morning!'
Before he knew it a strange gravitational pull was forcing him out of bed and restraining him from his arms and legs as though he were being Used as a puppet.
SMG4 : 'H-HEY! Cut it out!- whoa aAhhO- . . . Okay. This is fine! This'll all past by on Sunday morning! I'll just ignore the fact I'm being moved around by a voice who just so happens to talk crap! No biggie! . . R-right?'
At least that's what he initially thought.
'Upon entering the bathroom the meme boi looks at himself in the mirror with a look of utter exhaustion on his face, big bags draped beneath his eyes whilst his pinky, deep-cut scar ran across his cheek and onto the brink of his noise glowing slightly.'
Fours eyes widened. His appearance had somehow changed overnight. He didn't mind it but wow, he did not like the reminders of what one of those changes were referring to, from his own actions to. The perfect USB incident. The thought of that now hellish pot hole went straight through him and plunged him in utter guilt ever since he began creating it for his own foolish pleasure in being perfect for others just for them to praise his work, although he hadn't thought about it much in his spare time due to always being busy with work or going on crazy adventures with friends. Now that he had it in mind. Had he ever thought about it till now?
His appearance consisted of his hair being more fluffier than per usual and he now had one star shaped earring in one ear to go with it. And what seemed to be a deep blue eye was now a more lighter one, like a light shade of baby blue, he believed that the scar had something to do with that but that wasn't his top priority to figure out just this moment.
{|> {} Forced to follow the fanfics. {} <|} (SMG34)
RomanceBased of the canon SMG4 and SMG3 but they are stuck in a SMG34 Wattpad fanfic and forced to do what the fanfic says by yours truly. (GOD IM EVIL) >:) Also watch them slowly become 'closer' in the process.. MAWHAHAHAHA.