epilogue 🧹🪄🧙🏻‍♀️

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"Look, a baby is having a baby," Tokki cried as he saw his owner with his one-day-old baby.

Jusul and Jipang too had a running nose looking at the beautiful baby; they cooed at the baby.

"Aww, such a cute little bean he is," Jusul cooed.

While Taheyung was first crying, taking his baby in his arms, then he was smiling, and then again crying.

"Oh my god, I became a Dad," Tae exclaimed, looking at the small baby who was looking at Taheyung with his big eyes.

"Oh God, his eyes are on you, Koo baby," he remarked, smiling.

Jungkook had his head on the shoulder of his husband; he was smiling widely, looking at the cute interaction of son and dad.

"Who ish this cute, cute shmall baby hmmm??," Taheyung asked in a baby voice, cradling the small baby in his arms.

"Who am I, my son? I am youl dada... Shay dada....da-da," Taehyung asked the baby.

"Hyungie, he is just one day old, he will not speak for months," Jungkook remarked, kissing his husband's cheek.

Taheyung pouted, looking at the baby, Jungkook chuckled.

"Now shoo, I have to feed our baby bean," Jungkook said.

"How can you, my sugarplum? You just gave birth half an hour ago," Taheyung said, worried for his baby wife.

"It's natural, Hyungie, I get to know when our baby is hungry and my boobies hurt, I have to feed him to relieve the pain," Jungkook said, smiling at his husband.

Taheyung kissed his lips. "But you are still a baby," he said, pouting.

"Your baby just pushed a baby out of him," Jungkook giggled and got another kiss from his loving husband.

"I will hold you while you feed, hmm?" Taehyung proposed, to which Jungkook nodded.

Jungkook took the baby in his arms and put his boobies in front of the baby who took it in his mouth instantly as a reflex while Jungkook's back rested on his alpha's torso.

The baby was looking at Jungkook while sucking milk, making him emotional. Jungkook patted his head lovingly, while Taheyung was caressing the waist of his baby witch, lovingly; he was so proud of his baby wife. He had been so strong during the pregnancy period and giving birth too.

The baby slept after getting his feed while Taheyung took his baby wife in his embrace and lulled him to sleep.

"Aww, he is such a beautiful baby. Just like Aurora," Flicker remarked and snorted on Splash getting emotional .

"Eww, Flicker, don't snort at me, dummy," Splash said, making a disgusting face.

"Hush, no bad word, we are in front of the baby," Bubble warned.

The three fishes were brought by Jimin in a container; they wanted to see the baby, so they pestered Jimin until he took them to see the one-month-old baby who was looking more beautiful day by day. He took beauty from his mother and father both.

The baby was looking at the fishes with wide eyes.

Jungkook introduced the baby to each fish, " look baby , he is flicker hyung , she is splash unni and she is bubble unni ", the baby just looked at them in fascination and smiled a square smile at them.

"Juni, baby catch me," Camphor ran and dared the 11-month-old chubby baby, who was too beautiful to be true. He was running, smiling, and squealing behind the rabbits, his two bunny teeth poking out. His chubby red cheeks were jumping as he was running with his tiny feet.

Jungkook had shielded him with magic. If he falls, the ground will become sponge, never hurting him.

Taheyung and Jungkook were smiling, looking at their small baby playing with bunnies and Bambies, cubs.

He was the prince of all the animals. Everyone adored the baby.

Hoseok usually takes him on his back in wolf form for a ride in the jungle to trees who shed their flower petals on the little baby who laughs and squeals, clapping his hands.

Whenever Juni cried at night, Taheyung always stood up and cradled him till he slept, since he knows how much his wife is tired of taking care of the baby and teaching children witchcraft.

While Jin and Salyana are always making new potions for the baby's health.

While Taheyung along with his father and father-in-law takes care of the security and safety of the coven.

Taheyung saw his baby witch playing with the baby on the ground with all the animals with love-filled eyes and thanked God to send his mate back to him once again, he showed his gratitude like every other morning.

"Did you forget, Dada?" he complained while running to them, while Juni clapped his hands, getting excited to see his Dada, "Dadajegeibsiwkkwg mumma msbkebskhgek," he talked in gibberish, telling his dad something about his mumma while Taheyung made an astonished face. "Haaaaa mumma cheated???" he asked, and Juni nodded, frowning.

"Like always, only Dada can understand the son's gibberish language," Jungkook remarked and then smiled warmly while his son was dancing in the lap of his father.


                          THE END


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