Chapter 10: Pebbles

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Zatt POV:

Ganodi and I ended up spending the whole day together. She seemed tense, and I fear I seemed a little distracted as I felt watched.

Petro now had Katooni onto this as well! Me, who always taken her for the most cautious and reasonable of the gang, I must stand corrected. What happened between these two those last two weeks? Katooni usually hates him!

People change, but Ganodi fortunately have not. She is always so kind and observant. It baffles me how everyone else describes her as a mini duplicate of Master Windu.

Before us, stood a curtain of waterfalls sparkling like diamonds against the sunset while Ganodi sat in the grass, breathing in the air. Forgiving Petro's and his "girlfriend's" manipulations with a spectacle nature gave us while I took off my robes.

"Kat and Petro may have been right after all. The Council should organise some meditative retreats to-" I jumped in the water, hearing Ganodi shrieking after me. "ZATT!!?"

Her sudden scream surprised me and almost made me miss the soothing sensation of the water. For some reason, Ganodi must have been frightened, as I suddenly heard a loud thump and saw she had fallen into the water in a cloud of minuscule white bubbles. Deeper in the water, I saw her adjust her stance and swim to the surface. I could hear her screaming my name before I sneaked right behind her and whispered in her ear.


"AAAH!!" She attempted to strike me, but her swing was painfully sluggish due to the water. I held her fists against my chest and used my other hand to support her back, ensuring she wouldn't drown. "You forget I am an amphibian?"

As her skin turned darker shades of green, I understood she must be embarrassed about falling in, which was not my intention! To make her comfortable, I gave her a small smile, whipping the trail of water off her face.

"I am here." Ganodi was still breathing heavily. "I am so sorry. You know I did not mean to scare you."

It suddenly dawned on me that her speechless state was most likely due to the freezing water. Rodians are more sensitive to cold than Nautolans.

"Let me."

Without another word, I scooped her in my arms in a bridal style to prevent her from touching the water further. I kindly smiled as I Force jumped back to the area with all my clothes. Delicately, I carefully placed Ganodi on the lush green grass. Her silent state must be a sign she was still cold.

"Take off your clothes." Suddenly lifting her head with widened eyes, I laughed. "I meant to take off these and wear mine!"

I laughed as I sat on the edge and looked out at the horizon. Ganodi was right: meditative retreats would be pleasant here. Without turning my head towards her, I asked loudly.

"When did you learn to swim?" I got no response, so I explained. "You would have drowned back in the day. What made you take on swimming?"

Despite my eagerness, Ganodi seemed hesitant, taking her time before responding. This delay only heightened my curiosity. She sat beside me as she said.

"I-... I was silly. I wanted to impress someone."

This answer caught me off guard.

"Who? Aayla, your Master?"

"N-No, hu... a-... a boy."

Ganodi. Had been in love? She is an adorable person, but I cannot believe it! I asked with a huge grin on my face.

"Did it work?"

She looked down and shook her head slightly, making me feel very insensitive to her feelings. I wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer as I whispered.

"I know we're Jedi, but I think he's an idiot."

Ganodi did not answer. What puzzled me was that I felt her smiling, although I could sense a great sadness within her.  

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