chapter 4

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He woke me letting me know it was time to leave for school, it took me a while to get up cause I had to stretch  look at my phone, lay down and just think, “hurry up”, was he rushing me?, one thing I don’t like is people rushing Me, so I lad there for another 10 minutes, “get up”, he said yelling at me, “I’m OK I’ll lay here for a while”, he ripped the cover off me then dragged me off the bed, “go get in the shower and hurry up”, “ok damn”, I got up and went to the shower, turning the water on letting it ran for a minute, I ran to plug my phone in before jumping inside,  I washed my body then rinsed it off since he was standing there watching me, I turned the shower off getting out drying off, “you gone make us late”

“were late at 8:30”

“ok”, “it’s 7:20, relax”, he walked away and I walked behind him going to put some of his clothes on, grab my phone and book bag before we walked out the back entrance of the cave, “so do you ever wish you wasn’t a dragon”

“why would I wish that”

“to feel what it’s like to be normal”

“I fine with being both, sometimes I wish humans would not kill or capture things they don’t understand but I guess that’s your species”

“what you mean”, “your species killed my father father’s and I bet his head is hanging up on their wall”, I got quiet knowing that’s what humans are known for trophy hunting, it's something I wish never existed but even my father does it but stopped after I told him how I felt about it even created a foundation to stop trophy hunting and still going on today and is worth 19.5 million dollars. logon, Dalinda, Dionysus, Demetrix and nxyt were playing as we came up behind the school on the field were the team was practicing and I seen Serena and nick and ran to give them a hug but Serena didn’t want one, she just wanted to start a argument, “what’s the issue”

“you are, you get a new friend a forget about your old ones”

“Actually I texted nick yesterday, your just being a bitch”, she gasped grabbing her shit and walking away I seen logon and his friends talking to the couch with Dalinda talking to the cheer captain, didn’t know why they wanted to join a sport but I guess their adrenaline wants more. I walked with nick to my locker as he told me about his date with Dominick, “where yall go”

“marello, it’s a beautiful five star restaurant with beautiful chandelier hanging off the ceiling”

“Did he pay”

“of course, I even spent the night”

“oh my, on the first date”

“We was already at his house it was no point”, “your right and speaking of the devil”, as he ran up behind him lifting him up, my best friend was happier then ever , he really never trusted anyone else after his last relationship so I’m glad he’s dating again.

“Ill catch you later”, he said walking away from me with Logan coming towards me smiling, “guess what baby”, I was surprised with the last word he said so I just had to make sure we was on the same thing .

“Im baby?”

“of course”, he said wrapping his hands around me, “I didn’t foreplay with you for nothing”

“I mean people just have sex then leave”

“but I let you spend the night so it’s different”, he said, kissing me, then proceeded to explain what he wanted to tell me, “I joined the track and football teams”

“That’s great, but why”

“to get out more plus don’t wanna be at home”

“well I’m glad your getting out more”, the bell rang and we ran to our class before we get locked out.

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