Chapter 1

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                             Chapter 1

Fatima has left Chicago for California.

Her mother wasn't too happy, but she was twenty-two now. She won't be completely alone.

In California, she has relatives from both her mother's side and father's.

One of her aunts owns a small restaurant, very successful.

Once she arrives in California, she's going to be staying with them for a while until she gets on her feet.

Her mom and her dad were very reluctant. They thought she wasn't ready. Especially to be on her own.

Fatima was a very smart girl. She told her parents to trust her judgment, and they reluctantly did.

Fatima needed a fresh start. California was the place.

She loved Chicago, but ever since she was little, she had always wanted to live in California.

Now, this is her chance. She might as well go for it before the window of opportunity closes.

Today was her first day in California. She left Chicago yesterday.

Let's just say her departure had a lot of sadness and tears.

Her parents were, to say the least, devastated. Her older sister was proud and emotional while her little brother was a crying mess. He also mentioned something about renovating her room.

She took that as a joke, so she let out a typical chuckle to ease the tension.

So far, California has been okay. She moved in with her aunt from her mom's side.

They were very welcoming. She's close with both sides of her family, but if she's being honest, she's closer to her mom's side of the family.

She was grateful for the help in moving to California. She misses Chicago a bit, but other than that, she was happy.

It's one p.m. in California. So far, she's been home. Her aunt, however, was working at her restaurant.

She was asked by her aunt to come in and help out.

She reluctantly agreed. She thought it was the least she could do for all the help she received during her move to California.

As she was still home, she was getting ready.

Since she still doesn't drive, she calls for an Uber. The restaurant is about twenty-five to thirty minutes away.

Her wardrobe being a beautiful black shirt that's buttoned to the top and some very distressed jeans and simple black heel boots.

As she made it towards her aunts restaurant, she was nervous.

This was going to be the first time she's ever been inside. She knew about her aunt's restaurant, and her mom was one of the sisters. Her mom and her aunt are super close, obviously. Her mom always tells Fatima about her aunt's restaurant and how successful it is.

Today, she was gonna see it for herself.

Arriving, she opened the door, and she was greeted very well.

"Mija! Llegastes." Her aunt spoke, smiling very brightly.

"Hola tia." Fatima spoke as she gave her a hug.

"Estas lista?" Her aunt asked.

"Si." She replied back as she took the apron from her aunts hand.

"Creo que necesitas otros sapatos." Her aunt said.

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