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The next morning Sora wakes up because there was something on top of her asleep, she pocked him and he opened his eyes slowly....

Niki: (Startled, he nearly jumps, but quickly regains his composure.) Whoa, sorry— (A wave of embarrassment washes over him as he scrambles back to his side of the bed.) Did I squish you? (His voice is a groggy mumble.)

Sora: (She smiles) you didn't squish me, why are you sorry? You just felt like a giant teddy bear to me.

Niki: (He raises an eyebrow, trying to hide the amusement at her comment.) A teddy bear, huh? (There's a playful grumble in his voice.) Just don't spread that around school or anything. (He's half-serious, half-teasing.)

Sora: (she smirks mischievously) Okay, but you have to pay me to keep my mouth shut....In kisses!

Niki: (He scoffs, but there's no heat in it.) Blackmail? Really? (Niki can't fight the smirk that's creeping in.) Fine, but you're pushing your luck. (He leans in, a reluctant conspirator to her terms.)

Sora: (She pecks him on the lips smirking and runs away)

Niki: (he blinks, surprised, and then chases after her, a laugh escaping him.) Hey! Get back here, you cheater! (He's not really mad; the spark in his eyes is playful, energized.)

(The morning passes and it's time for school)

Niki: (Grabbing his bag, Niki shoots her a look.) Ready to deal with those idiots at school? (There's a protective edge to his words, and he's mentally preparing to be her shield for the day.)

Sora: Yea, let's go! (she smiles at him, feeling ready to face any challenge that comes her way)

Niki: (He nods, a determined glint in his eye.) Let's do this. (There's a newfound solidarity between them as they head out, side by side, ready to face whatever the day throws at them.)

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