5: Whip up a Pot of Tomato soup

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Plan 3 (revised):

Gather important information about their first date. (It'll probably be at an art gallery since that's what I recommended to Reiner)

Eren, Mikasa, Hange, Levi and I will stalk them on their first date (Armin chickened out).

Eren and Hange will pour soup

Petra, being super superficial - will have a huge tantrum about it, and once Reiner sees this, he'll break up with her because they're both complete opposites.

I'll console Reiner about their breakup, and he'll instantly fall in love with me?

November 24th - 2021

Earlier, Hange, Mikasa, Levi and I all raided the local grocery store for all of the tomato soup that they have. Everybody gave us really weird looks (which is kind of understandable), but the weirdest interaction of the day was when we went to pay, and the cashier asked us if we knew who Sasha was. I'm guessing that the only person who raids the grocery store for soup is Sasha (she really likes soup). 

Then, I forced everyone into my car, and then I tried to drive us all to the national art gallery. Levi was adamant about not getting into a car with me, because he was, and I quote, "scared for his life" because there was this one time I ACCIDENTALLY almost ran him over while he was walking across the street. It can't be my fault that I didn't see him at the pedestrian crossing. He should look two ways before he crosses the street. He should always be wary of cars.

"I'm not getting into a car with you, I don't trust you after you almost ran me over."

"I almost ran you over like 2 times, okay?" I sigh, exasperated. Two times is barely anything. He's such a wimp, and we're losing valuable time. Plus, I'm a lot better at driving now. The last time I almost ran him over was like, I don't know, two weeks ago? My memory's a little foggy.

"2 times??? Winter, you've almost ran me over 13 times. Do you not remember that one time I was walking home from school on the fucking sidewalk, and then your car went off the road and almost hit me?"

In my defence, he was walking really close to the road. Anyone could have made the same mistake as me.

"Levi, get in the fucking car. You're acting like a spoiled five year old."

"Yeah!" Eren chimes in, "Get over it bro."

"NO." Levi adamantly declares. "I'm leaving. I'll get an uber or something."

Then, he starts to walk away. I roll my eyes, slipping one of my sneakers off of my feet. I hold it in my hands, and I throw it as hard as I can at Levi's head.

It hits him, and he immediately stills, turning around with vehement hate in his eyes.


I shrieked. "WHY ARE YOU LEAVING?"


I dangle my car keys in his face. "FINE! YOU DRIVE THEN!"

Mikasa quickly retrieves my shoe, handing it back to me as Levi begrudingly takes slow steps towards me. I offer him the keys, and he snatches them from my hand, huffing. Jesus, he has anger issues. He needs to go to therapy and work that out. Maybe I can refer him to Hange? Besides, I doubt Levi's actually that good at driving. Ugh, I can't believe I have to work with that man until February. What is it now, November?

He plugs the keys into the Ignition, and silently pulls out of the grocery store's carpark, driving over to the art gallery.

"If you drive as slow as your viola playing, we'll be-"

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