Chapter 10

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"The kitchen is a mess. I figured you'd tell anyone to clean it while I was gone." Levi mentioned as he took off his cape and jacket hanging it neatly on a chair.
I dared not face him. I cant tell him.
How can I?

"What did you and Rachel do today?" He asked and I looked at him.
"We went over to visit my brother and watch him scare the new scouts in the process." I answered and he leaned his body against the wall.
"So you managed to get a quick peek on the rookies huh?" He chuckled.
"Oh stop, it used to be you at one point.."

I took hold of our blanket and began playing with the material while looking down at my hands. Levi is not an idiot. He knows something is in the back of my mind, I have to tell him or hell find out with Rachel sooner or later. How I wished I had more time to tell her to keep this a secret.
Knowing her if Levi asks and gives her the stern look she'll crack.

"I know there's something bothering you (Y/N)."
"Huh? No nothing is bothering me at all." I replied and he got in bed with me and pulled me close.
"I umm... I have something to tell you."
"What is it?"
"I uh- I need you to take it easy on these rookies ok? I kinda owe some of them for that day with the drunk man." I nervously said and he furrowed his brows.
"Thats a no love, we both know how I lead my squad and I will not have anyone get special treatment. I love you but I am not under any circumstances doing that."
I nodded and cuddled close.

Few days have gone by and as far as I know my brother has been planning a mission under the radar. I sipped coffee outside the stalls with Oruo while Poor Eren was ordered to clean after the horses on my cruel husband's orders.
"Is there something on your mind?" Oruo asked and i snapped out of my thoughts.
"Oh yeah i just- its just a calm morning thats all."

"Whoa. I don't believe it! Oruo! May I be excused to talk to my friends for a minute?"
"Fine. Just don't take too long."

"Hey Mikasa! Armin!.."

I watched as he ran excitedly towards his friends.
"He's a good kid." I added and Oruo snickered. "Hard to believe that rookie can possibly be the answer to all of our problems." He added raising his coffee to his lips.
I smiled watching Mikasa getting closer to Eren.
"That pipsqueak took things too far. I will make it pay for it one day."

Did she just?

"Hold on you mean captain Levi?" Eren asked.
"Hold on Mikasa, don't forget whose husband you're talking about. You might be though but trust me when I tell you. You are not close to me at all." I threatened back and Levi walked by with his horse.
Oruo gasped and held me by my arm.
"(Y/N) please!"
"If you think you have the guts to threaten the captain like that again, I wont hesitate to kill you." I stated and everyone watches scared as me and Mikasa exchanged glances.

"Mikasa! Im fine. Promise!" Eren stated and she looked away.

"Alright rookies! Form up! Your uniforms are here!" Ness announced and everyone headed over to receive their wings on freedom capes.

"What you did there was stupid and unnecessary." Levi approached me with arms crossed.
"How could you stay quiet after what she said?!" I stated and he sighed.
"Trust me love, nobody could ever stand up against me and if they di-"
"If they did they would have to go through me first." I stated and he smirked
"I taught you well love." He stated taking hold of my belt loops and pulling me in for a forehead kiss.

"Im pretty tired honey, ima head to bed and take a nap. I'll see you later yeah?" I looked up at Levi hoping he would join me on my nap instead of working but knowing my husband he's gonna stay and keep order especially since the rookies have arrived and a mission is soon to be set.

"Hmm.. its not that late yet but i do need my rest for tomorrow." He stated and i smiled.
"So is that a yes?"
" of course love."
I smile, taking hold of his hand. I guided him to our bedroom where he stripped down. He entered the bathroom and took a quick shower while I laid on the bed covered in blankets.

Should I tell him now? No.

It's not smart to distract him the day before the mission. I should tell him some other day.

I woke up to Levi getting up the bed.
"I have to go on a mission today."
I got up and fidgeted with the blanket.

What if something happens to him? And he wouldn't know the truth!?

"We have no clarity on how long this mission will take but i promise ill try my best to come back home and-"
"You have to come back! Ok?! Especially now more than anything. I need you with me." I started to notice tears forming in my eyes and some began to drop on the blanket making Levi frown.
"(Y/N) it's me, I always come back. Whats going on with this sad attitude?"
"I- Im pregnant. 3 weeks"


I looked up to him staring down at me and he took hold of my chin. Was he mad? Sad? Happy?
"Im heading to meet the others before we start the mission, care to join?" He asked and I nodded.
"But what about the new-"
"For more reason I should have every last one of those titans disappear, Im not letting my child grow in a world of fear." He stated.
"Im sorry, I know its bad timing and I-"
"Im sorry too. If im being quite honest this is also my fault. Damn it! Couldn't keep my hands off you thats for sure. Now let's go I'm meeting your brother."

As soon as we arrived everyone was standing next to their horses. Some rookies saying goodbye to their families. Clearly everyone was scared to get out the safety of the walls.
"Its clear everyone is scared." Erwin began coming out way before Levi took hold of his cape.
"Did you know?"
"Commander?! Captain?!" Petra was shocked seeing how my husband took hold of my brother when he's usually very respectful towards him.
"Yes. Found out the same day she did."
"You didn't plan on discussing this subject with me?" Levi's grip tightened.
"It was not mine to discuss with you."
"Waiting to find out in a mission where theres a possibility to me not returning and them staying alone didn't cross your mind?!" 

Everyone watched as an angry Levi gripped the commanders cape with an angry expression.

"Whoa?! Whats going on? Levi you never act like this?!" Petra exclaimed and I went over to pull them apart.
"This was something I had to announce to you, now if anything you should direct your anger towards me!" I exclaimed and Levis gaze looked away.

"This is not the time nor the place! I had to tell you cause im scared. Im scared you wont come back." I cried and Erwin hugged me.
"Oh come on you guys, Levi is the strongest most fearsome soldier in this entire regiment. Of anything who's gonna protect the titans from him?" Petra added and Levi sighed.
"Shes pregnant Petra."
"WHAT?! Pregnant OH MY GOD this is exciting!! A little captain?!" She began getting a little too excited.
"Thats enough. Everyone is gonna do their best to complete this mission. We will fight our way back if we have to!" Erwin announced and everyone nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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