Part two : The citizens

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After a few weeks, in the streets. 

Two strangers meet up and start chatting

"Have you heard?"

"Heard what?"

"The five great cookies aren't putting on any more shows! They're also refusing to come meet the public!"

"What?! Why?"

"There are sources that say that one of them is under 'difficult circumstances' or something like that."

"That's so selfish!"

"I know right? They're supposed to guide and entertain us! Not crying about some stupid thing that might have happened!"

"What are we going to do about this?"

"Well I say we do something about this! Our leaders can't abandon us!"

"Yes we shall!"

A cookie with silver hair that shone like gemstones came passed the two cookies.

"What's going on here," they exclaimed, taking the two cookies by surprise.

"Ah, Crystal Feather Cookie, our beloved head of the knights. How can we assist you?" Said one of the two cookies, nudging the other to play along as well.

"I thought I heard some chitchat about the five great ones, but it seems that I have mistaken," she replied, eying the two cookies suspiciously.

"Yes, you must've misheard madam," the other cookie replied.

"Really? Then why do I have voice recording of what you two were talking about earlier? Hmm?" Crystal Feather Cookie exclaimed, holding a microphone that was recording the two cookies' conversation. Both cookies start sweating uncontrollably. "Well, are you going to tell me what you said our am I going to play the recording?"

"Uh..." exclaimed one of the cookies, starting to fidget.

"Let's go!" Whispered the other, nudging him. Both of them start to run, not looking back.

"Madam, shall we chase after them?" Asked one of the guards accompanying Crystal Feather Cookie.

"No, need. We have collected what we needed to and anyways, I bet they'll be back," She replied heading back to headquarters.

*At their Headquarters*

"I've come back from my mission, Majestic Sugar Cookie," Crystal Feather said, bowing down to her.

"No need to bow my friend," Majestic Sugar Cookie replied, helping Crystal Feather stand up. "Now tell me, what did you discover?" Crystal Feather showed her the recording and played through it. "And what are the names of these cookies?" Asked Majestic Sugar Cookie, after the recording finished.

"My guess is that they're most likely from the rebellion, Cracked Peanut Cookie and someone else," explained Crystal Feather.

"Thank you for the information Crystal Feather. You may continue your patrols I have something to get to," Majestic Sugar thanked her and left to the meeting room of the Five Great Ones. 

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