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Your prompt: ivan: Damn, till, you look like you could use a coffee.

from : https://ship-prompt-generator.neocities.org/ !!

• Au where they r college students and till is a musician/composer or whatever.
• i know nothing abt college and music btw LMAOOO im a highschooler forgive me.
• Ivan is his room mate :3
• they arent dating here but ivan likes him 
• till & mizi r like close friends
• miight be ooc.


Till was in his room, sitting infront of his study table, lights off but lamp on. He had a bunch of papers on the table, crumpled papers filling up his bin, his door slightly open. He was on call with his friend, Mizi. "Till, I'm heading to sleep soon, you should too. Get some rest." Till clicks his pen and stretches a bit. "I can't guarantee that. But you can go sleep now, good night." And he hungs up. 

Ivan got up and was on his way to drink water in the kitchen until he saw his room mate's door open. He caught Till sleeping on his table, Ivan went in and tapped him on his shoulder lightly. He doesn't move. He taps him more. No response. Just when Ivan was considering carrying him to his bed, Till startles him when he suddenly perked up. He woke up. "Shit!" He scowls. "Oh, you're awake. Are you okay?" Ivan asks worried. "Oh, hey Ivan. Just need to finish this before 12. What are you doing here?"

"I was waking you up to let you move to your bed cause you looked uncomfortable sleeping on your table, but looks like it's important. Want me to help?" 

"No, I'm good.. I'm just sleepy."

Ivan stays silent for a few seconds until he got an idea. "Till, do you drink coffee?" he asks the silver haired boy. "Not that much, only when I need it. Why? Are you gonna make me one?"

"Yeah. How do you like your coffee?" Ivan replies. Till blinks and thinks about it. "Uh.. Normal?" (IDK ANYTHING ABT COFFEES LEAVE ME BE) Ivan laughs. "Pfft. What? What's normal to you?" Till's face flushes from embarrassment. "Hey! Shut up! I don't drink coffee, I only know theres black, which sucks.. How do you  usually drink your coffee?" He asks ivan, expecting that he has a lot of knowledge on this. "Ah, it's basic but, latte?" (Guys i have no idea what im talking about)

"Then, make me a latte?" Till requested. "Okay. Don't fall asleep, this won't take long." 

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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