Y/N: Only if you want darling. But uhm can you explain to me a bit more how you have to mark me. like is there a certain area you wish to bite or place we have to be?
Ryn: I mark mate here when ready but must be in water for that. mate wants to see me in water?
Y/N: Of course I wanna see you in the water Ryn, the only reason I didn't let you show me on the beach the other day was because I was busy thinking about how we could find your sister. Which we still have to do, and i am stressing right now because my so called parents want to find me and take me away but they legally can't since I was adopted and am 19 meaning I am an adult, so it would be kidnapping and I think I am starting to ramble Im sorry When I get stressed I start to ramble and I never fully stop unitl someone stops me and.....
I got cut off by Ryn pulling me into a hug and nuzzling into my neck. She started humming again like the other day when i was upset. I really need to learn more about her and her kind because I know nothing and I feel like an awful mate.
Ryn: Mate see me in water now?
Y/N: I can if you would like but you said that you have to mark me while in the water and since we got another hour or two before sun down and I really would like to set up some lighting before I lose my eye sight.
Ryn: mhm yes mark mate in water help with the mark. teeth in water stronger. mate cannot see in dark?
Y/N: no I cant *laughs* god i wish I could then our electricty bill wouldn't be as high cause we wouldn't need to use lightening.... and you have no idea what i just said do you?
Ryn shakes her head causing me to laugh a little.
Y/N: Alright im going to get everything set up and it shouldn't take that long but when it is closer to night fall we can get in the water and you can mark me. okay?
Ryn nods her head slightly letting me know that she is okay with that plan and I got started with setting up the sleeping corner and putting the food we brought by it and put the camping lanterns up where we, mainly me, could see around the little cave.
It took me an hour to get the bed area set up and put the lanterns in the right spot so I could see. I noticed that I have another hour before sun down so I decided to talk to RYn about the marking again for a better understanding. WHen I turned around I saw her just staring into the water.
Y/N: Ryn... sweetie... are you okay?
Ryn turned her head towards me after a minute and nods her head but then moves closer to me a pulls me into her and nuzzles into me neck while also bringing me down onto to bed. I am beyond confusd but love the attention so I just let her, she is probably stressed about the marking just like I am. So I started playing with her hair while rubbing her back here and there.
Y/N: Ryn can you tell me more about this mark thing I know I keep aking but I would like to learn more about it and you and this obviously means a lot to you.
Ryn: mate is hard to find most no find mate and end up making young with not mate. Mark here * she said while nuzzling more into the base of my neck* in water. others know mate is mine.
Y/N: okay so you bite my neck in the water because you said your teeth in the water are sharper.... or was it stronger... not the point and that it is a way of showing people I am yours. And that finding your mate is hard so most of your kind end up "mating" with others. Hey wait a second Ryn if a persons mate is hard to find is it possible tht a lot of your kinds mate is on land but since you said you barely come to the surface many never found their mate?

Siren (ON HOLD)
FanfictionRyn does come and go to be able to stay on land longer but not because Ben and Maddie because of y/n . what will happen?How will Ben and Maddie feel? *Disclaimer* I am making most of the original cast 21 and y/n will be 19. Mostly because I have a h...