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—>:the walking dead fanfiction:<—

—>:the walking dead fanfiction:<—

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by @psycoathics

"Everything is stored in memory, do you think you forget what once made you smile and forget everything bad that happened to you?"

─── SUMMARY ───

LIFE IS NO LONGER THE SAME, YOU NO LONGER LIVE, YOU SURVIVE. The world has fallen into chaos and no one can stop the avalanche of deaths that comes after an infection without a cure that revives the dead, turning them cannibalistic and unrecognizable. Morality begins to be something impossible and the fight to the death to eat is common, run, survive, kill, become the monster you hid. Being that the purest and most angelic being already uses a weapon and becomes a murderer.

Robin lost everything, or so she feels, her life is no longer and will not be the same, she knows it well and admits it. The scared young girl stopped being scared when her eyes saw the most common people go crazy thinking about killing and killing. Living that way leads you to do things you don't want, and the teenager knows it more than anyone, her eyes have seen death like many survivors. And yet her head doesn't forget the fun times with her childhood best friend, Carl Grimes, or her Sheriff.

The time came to look for a safe and relatively stable refuge, wandering the streets in ephemeral places could no longer be his sling and his parents were in favor. But the tragedy passes, the blood flows and the bullfights add up, but what never changes is the oblivion, because even if years pass in her memories, the gaze of the sweet blue-eyed boy named Carl reaches her.

And believe me, the happy child didn't forget her, watching her was thinking about the idiotic things they did as children, about the laughter, the games and the screams at horror movies or love movies. Neither Carl nor Robin want to forget.

"━ What happens if one day you are not here and I forget you forever? "

"━ You do it and I will come back from the dead to hit you"

"━ You do it and I will come back from the dead to hit you"

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I NEVER FORGOT YOU | c. grimesWhere stories live. Discover now