3. Until Dawn (My Trailer - Part 2)

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The rest of the group of four were making their way down to the cabin when Emma looked at the tower and her eyes widened.

"The tower is falling!" Emma shouted in shock.

"What!?" The other three said in shock as they also looked in the direction.

Their eyes widened as they saw the tower falling forward as they gasped.

"Well, that's horrible timing, or not." Benjamin said with a deadpan when he saw that as the people gasped in shock at the scene.

"You're not worried?" His friend asked him when he heard that.

"Either he dies from falling with the tower, or he dies from whatever is there. You pick." Benjamin said as he pointed at the screen.

His voice was carried over as most of the people in the place heard him and looked at each other.

"Ok, he makes sense. Either way, he is in danger." One girl said after a few seconds.

Slowly the other nodded in agreement at that while the faculty were worried about how this will affect their students.

Hayato's parents were shocked when they saw that as they hugged each other and hoped that their son would be alright.

"Well, that doesn't look promising." The guy student said as he watched the screen with the crowd in the city.

"Yeah. I hope the other guy survives." The female student beside him said with a gulp as the people around her in Times Square were also nervous.

"Oh God!" Josh cried out in fear as he held onto the counter.

Hayato lost his balance as he held onto the pillar beside him as the tower fell down.

"Ahhhhh!" Both of them screamed in fear as the tower fell down and started to slowly break apart.

The next thing shown is of the top of the tower hanging on a ledge as Hayato and Josh were caught in its wires and dangling from it.

"I'm alive." Hayato said with wide eyes and a tone of disbelief, as if he didn't believe it himself.

Beside him Josh has a few tears as he took deep breaths to calm him down.

'Did I just hear him call for his mother?' Hayato thought to himself as he looked at the guy.

The people around the world were nervous when they saw how the tower was falling as many were scared about their survival. Many sighed in relief when they saw that they were fine, and many also laughed out loud when they saw that Josh has tears while Hayato doesn't.

"Oh this guy has tears now!" Benjamin laughed out loud when he saw that.

"I know I shouldn't be laughing but this is the guy who was acting all high and mighty before?" His friend said as he laughed as well.

"At least now we know who the wimp between the two is." A girl said with a laugh as she watched.

The teachers frowned as they saw that many of their students were laughing but they didn't say anything, they were also put off by how Josh treated Hayato so they didn't try to correct them.

In Alex's appartment, they watched as the two held onto the tower as it fell down.

"Fuck." Alex said in shock as he saw it.

"This can't be good." The blonde woman said with wide eyes.

"No it won't." The black haired woman said with wide eyes.

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