Chapter 1: The Life in Yoyleberg

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Unlike any other city in Goikylands, Yoyleberg was quite an unusual one. One of its most defining trait was a big, sturdy wall set around it, intended to protect the city from troll attacks. But besides trolls, Yoyleberg also had many other magical being living around and inside it: elves, woffs, vittra, forest giants... you name it.

But, that's not main point of the story. Our hero is one of the citizens of Yoyleberg, a normal girl... well, mostly.


The next thing we see is a room in which a girl is sleeping in her bed, with her deerfox companion sleeping in its own pet bed next to her. The girl, who we will refer to as Taco, gets up from her bed

Taco: Yawning 

"Well, guess I got my own 8 hours of sleep..."

She would then notice her deerfox companion, named Ice Cube, has also woken up

"Oh, good morning Ice Cube! Did you sleep well?"

Ice Cube would let out a bark of confirmation

Taco: "Glad you slept well too, Icy! Now, to start the day..."

Our hero would then go into the bathroom to do typical morning stuff, such as brushing her teeth. Then she goes into her kitchen to breakfast. Her mom, whose name was Tortilla, has already prepared her favorite meal: cucumber sandwiches

Tortilla: "Oh, good morning sweetie! Did you sleep well?"

Taco: "Yes, mom!"

Tortilla: "I am very glad to hear that! So, what plans do you have for weekend?"

Taco: "Well, hanging out with Book and adventuring, of course! Also, don't worry, I haven't forgotten about my math homework."

Tortilla: "Good for you, honey. Oh, and please be careful! You know what happened with that troll last time you went past the wall."

Taco: "At least the guy isn't having difficulty with the bell anymore. Anyways, I'll be careful as much as I can, mom. See ya later!"

Tortilla: "Bye!"

Taco would come out of her apartment, which was marked with number 13, with Ice Cube following after her. Then, they would exit out of their building as well.

Taco: "Book said we should meet in park at 10. Let's see what time it is now."

She would then pull out her mobile phone to check the time. It said 9.40

Taco: "Oh, gotta hurry! Good thing I am fit enough for this run!"


Taco and Ice Cube would hurry together to the park. Although deerfoxes themselves were good runners, Icy couldn't really keep up with Taco. But after getting to the park, the young deerfox managed to catch up

Taco: "Well, we're finally at the meeting place. Book should be here in five minutes."

After some more waiting, Book finally arrived and went up to Taco once she recognized her

Book: "Oh, hi there, Taco! Did your mom let you or...?"

Taco: "Hello, Book! Even though my mom doesn't want me to get into danger, she wouldn't be that crazy to not let me go out and adventure with my best friend. After all, I promised that we would be careful."

Book: "I can understand. Did you finish collecting for your Rock Collector Badge? Songbird Scout meeting is tomorrow."

Taco: "Ah, yes, I have!"

Book: "And did you make sure none of the rocks were petrified trolls? You know that one time when Bomby accidentally brought one."

Taco: "Yeah... It didn't end well."

Both of them would shudder

Taco: "But don't worry, I double checked each one. None of them is a troll rock!"

Book: "I would like for it to be true... Anyways, where do you think we should go first?"

Taco: "Well, I had thought of-"

However, Taco stopped in the middle of her sentence when she noticed something. In front of her, there were three boys, which she recognized as Blocky, Eraser and Pen. Blocky was seemingly throwing something, but upon closer look, Taco realized that those were stones. And the target of those stones was a strange talking  bright yellow bird- Wait a minute, TALKING?!

Bird: "Hey, come on, stop! Stop!"

Blocky: "Come on, get away, you stupid bird!"

The bird managed to dodge several of the stones, but when Blocky threw the last one, it hit the bird's head, which made the strange creature faint

Taco: "Oh, no! Wait, stop right there, you bully!"

Taco would run up to Blocky, with Ice Cube following her, while Book was about to check if the bird's okay...


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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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