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The next few days were a total bliss for the couple. They were coming closer to each other not physically but emotionally.

But the past wounds don't heal easily.

It was a normal day for Shivani. She woke up in Aarav's embrace and was now sitting in their room after having breakfast. Aarav was already gone to the office.

Shivani was scrolling km her phone when suddenly the door opened with a bang. It startled Shivani.

Aarav walked inside hurriedly and went searching drawers to drawers. But didn't found what he needed.

Seeing him like that Shivani went to him. Kept a hand on his shoulder and asked "What happened Aarav? Do you need something?"

When aarav turned his face was full of rage. He pinned her with his hard glare and said, " You! Shivani you were always in the room. Did you take that file??"

"What file Aarav!? I don't know anything ."

"Don't play innocent! Only you come inside my room. Why did you take it huh! Whom did you give it you!!! Tell me-"

"Shut up Aarav!. What the hell are you saying? Why would I want that file? Hell I don't even know about which file you are talking about. Have asked others also maybe they have kept somewhere."

Aarav held her arms very tightly making Shivani wince in pain. But he surely doesn't care right now.
"If I got to know that you have done something Shivani. Mujhe bura koi na hoga I swear."
Saying this he left the room.

Shivani fell on the ground with a thud. Tears streaming down her eyes and arms hurting badly.

'What did I do? Did I do something wrong? Which file is he talking about? What happened to him suddenly?', Shivani thought.

She was still thinking about his behavior when a knock was heard on the door.

Did Aarav came back to apologize? Thinking this she hastily opened door. But was disappointed. There stood a servant.

"Mam has called everyone for lunch." Saying this he left.

Disappointed and hurt Shivani went towards the washroom to fix her appearance.

On the other hand, Aarav was in his study at the mansion.

Aarav went to the office but an important file was missing. He turned the whole office upside down. He worked day and night for making that file. But now it was missing.

A furious aarav went home and when he saw Shivani he babarred what ever came to his mind.

Now in his study he asked his security team to check the CCTV footage and see who all came to his room.

Aarav's phone rang.
"Speak" He said.

"Sir I have checked the CCTV. Only Mrs. Srivastava and 2 servants entered the room."

He hung up the call.
'The servants won't do such a thing. They were all interviewed by dadu. Shivani I trusted you for gods sake!.' Thinking this Aarav broke everything in thehome office. 

Just then Ayaan entered. " Bhai what is this? How did this room become in this state?" He inquired. 

Aarav stayed silent but Ayaan didn't bulgde and kept asking. After some time Aarav told him everything. 

By the time Aarav finished telling his brother was already fluming with angered on his brother's supidity. 

"Bhai I don't even know what to say to you. How can you think that bhabhi could be some thing like that. Bhai she loves us so much. You also saw in the last 2weeks bhabhi never did anything wrong." Ayaan said which angered Aarav.

"Haan Haan She is right and im wrong. This kindness and love must be all of her acts. She was waiting was a opportunity and she got it. We have a freaking meeting tommorow and we don't have the most important file......wait she took the file right so then she will only make a new one. and that too tonight." Aarav said in anger. 

" Bhai you are not doing this right. You will not listen to me but remember you are going to regret this. I am going to prove my bhabhi's innocence." Saying this Ayaan was about to move out when a servant informed them about dinner. 

Both of them went downstairs. By then shiavni had also come and was helping in bringing food. 

Shivani could feel his presence and anger but decided not to look at him. After everyone came they all settle down like always. Aarav and shiavni side by side. 

Aarav could see red marks on her arms from where he held her. He was felling guilty but again he remember what she has done. 

But today's atmosphere was a bit tense. After some time Anjali said, " Bacha's you bua ji is coming tommorow." 

"What whyy!! she always say things about how i dress and what not." Kiara said. 

"Maa why is she coming?" Ayaan asked. 

"Beta what is this? She is you bua. She can come whenever she wants and about clothes you know she is bit orthodox like your dadi." Anjali explained to them. 


Aarav was already sitting on the bed when shivani entered. She was still angry and confused so decided not to talk to him. She was bout to go the closet when his dark, deep voice stopped her. 

"You did the damage now do the repair." He said making shivani turn towards him. 

Confused she raised an eyebrow.

"I need the file which you gave to i don't know who tommorow. So come on daring prepare it." He said making her shock. 

"But why? I didn't do anything." She said 

"Just shut up. Don't play this innocent act in front of me and complete the file otherwise what will i show in tommorow's meeting." He roared at her. "And I want it prefect."

Shivani thought, ' Whatever happened but if he will not have his file tommorow what will people think? the company which he took on great heights could suffer loss.'

After thinking for sometime she nodded. Aarav smirked and gave her a laptop and a few files from which she can make a file. 

Taking everything she was going towards the couch when his voice stopped her, "Where are you going darling? This is your punishment . Sit on the floor."

She obeyed. Aarav layed on the bed.

The whole night shivani was preparing the file while aarav was sleeping. It was 6:00am when she completed it. 

She took a hard copy of the file and kept the laptop and the file on the side table. 

She had an immense back due to sitting on the floor and she was feeling too much sleepy. But then she remembered that his bua is coming and she has to make preparations. Anjali had already told her how much of orthodox women buaji is. 

She quickly took a shower and went downstairs to make breakfast with a painful back pain. 


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