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"Let's break up."
The words cut through me like a knife. I felt like I'd been punched in the gut, unable to breathe or speak. The shock was palpable, but deep down, I knew this was coming. The signs were there - the constant arguing, his sudden travels, the lies, and the dwindling attention. I tried to brush it off, to hold on to the love we once shared, but it seemed I was the only one fighting for us.

As I stood there, frozen in disbelief, he repeated the words, his voice devoid of emotion. "Let's break up."
I forced myself to look up at him, searching for a glimmer of the love we once shared, but his green eyes were cold and distant. I whispered the only question that came to mind, "Why?"
His response was a dagger to my heart. "Nothing, I guess I'm tired of you."
The tears I'd been holding back burst forth, streaming down my face as I struggled to process his words. He turned and walked away, leaving me shattered and alone.

My legs buckled, and I sank to the ground, overwhelmed by the ache in my heart, the burning in my stomach, and the pounding in my head. I felt like I was going to be sick. The tears flowed uncontrollably as I realized that our eight-year relationship was over.

We'd met in middle school, been inseparable through high school, and had plans for a future together. We were attending the same university now, and had dreams of building a life together after graduation. We talked about getting married, having kids, and growing old together. Now, it was all being ripped away.

I wish I knew what had gone wrong, what I could have done to fix it. But deep down, I knew I'd been holding on to a dying love for too long. He may have stopped loving me, but I still loved him with every fiber of my being. He was my first love, my everything.

As I finally found the strength to stand up, I whispered his name, hoping it would bring him back to me. But I knew it was futile. Justin Tinder had walked out of my life, leaving me with a shattered heart and a soul that felt like it was dying.
With a deep breath, I stood up. I had to be strong, for myself and for my future. I had final exams coming up, and I needed to focus. I couldn't let this heartbreak define me.

Little did I know that this was just the beginning.


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