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Blake had been looking forward to this day all week.

She had promised her daughter Carmie a special day out, just the two of them, and she was determined to make it a day to remember.

They started the day with a delicious breakfast at a cozy café, where Carmie giggled over pancakes and Blake savored a much-needed cup of coffee.

Then, they headed to the local park, where they spent hours playing tag, feeding ducks, and watching the clouds roll by.

As they strolled through the park, Blake couldn't help but feel grateful for this time with her daughter.

She had been so busy building her business, she knew she had been missing out on precious moments with Carmie.

But today, she was determined to make up for lost time.

As they walked past a street performer playing a guitar, Blake's heart skipped a beat.

The melody reminded her of her first love, Justin, and the countless hours they spent playing music together.

She felt a pang of nostalgia wash over her, and for a moment, she was transported back to those carefree days of youth.

Carmie noticed her mom's distant expression and snuggled closer. "Mommy, what's wrong?" she asked, concern etched on her little face.

Blake smiled and hugged her tight. "Nothing, sweetie. Let's keep going!"

They continued their day, visiting the children's museum and enjoying a cozy movie night at home.

But every so often, Blake's mind wandered back to Justin and the memories they shared.

As she tucked Carmie into bed that night, Blake felt a sense of contentment wash over her.

This day with her daughter had been a reminder of what truly mattered in life – love, family, and making memories that would last a lifetime.

"Mommy, I had the best day ever!" Carmie exclaimed, hugging Blake tight.
"Me too, sweetie. Me too," Blake replied, smiling from the heart, with a hint of nostalgia still lingering in her mind.

After tucking Carmie into bed, Blake settled into her favorite armchair, surrounded by the quiet of the evening.

She closed her eyes, letting her mind wander back to the day's events. The street performer's melody had triggered a flood of memories, and she couldn't help but think of Justin Tinder, her first love.

She remembered the early days, when they first met in middle school.

Justin's bright green eyes and blonde hair had caught her attention, but it was his kind heart and charming smile that had won her over.

They had been inseparable, navigating the ups and downs of high school and university together.

Eight years of laughter, adventure, and love had been shared between them.

Blake's thoughts lingered on the memories of their time together.

She recalled the way Justin's athletic body would move on the soccer field, his tall and handsome frame commanding attention.

She remembered the way his eyes would sparkle when he laughed, the way his hair would curl slightly at the nape of his neck.

But as her mind delved deeper, the pain of their breakup resurfaced.

Justin had ended things abruptly, leaving her  heartbroken and shattered. She had thought they were meant to be, that their love would last a lifetime.

Blake Where stories live. Discover now