We're The Hecks

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Out here in the Middle, family is everything. Being the second oldest of a chaotic condiment house, sharing a room with my sister Sue, and being a twin to Axl. How do I put up with my family? Minus the constant yelling and financial issues, I wouldn't trade anything in the world for them.

The house isn't large enough for two adults with four kids. There's not much privacy, Axl shares a room with Brick, and I share a room with Sue. My bed is a small chair that pulls out into a bed, an awesome appliance I got from Grandpa Big Mike. I can pull it out to sleep and put it back as soon as I wake up. I do my homework and write poetry in the chair although Sue offers to share her desk. They think I write poetry but it's just a cover up for my rap lyrics. They would probably freak if I told them I wanted to be a rapper.

Lastly, I think I'll turn out the best: Axl is a douchebag slack off, Sue has the worst luck in the world, and Brick is kinda weird he might need some help. I'm sane, I'm healthy, and smart. What can happen to me that will change that? Well, I need an ophthalmologist, but my parents are too cheap to take me. As long as I sit up front in class, I'll be fine; Mom's words.

"Axl, Angel, Sue, Brick, get up! We overslept!"

Mom was banging on our doors at 7:40 am. We all got dressed. The four of us brushed our teeth at the same time.

"Axl don't even think about it!" Sue said after spitting.

"I wasn't, gosh!" Axl replied.

He was about to spit toothpaste in her hair. I leaned in close to the mirror to floss my teeth after we brushed.

"Why are standing so close, I can't see!" Axl said still brushing.

"You know I can't see!"

"Well make room for your wombmate!"

He shoved me with his hip, when he gets me, I get him back harder. I tackled him to the ground. I continued flossing as he grunted and rinsed. Soon, we ate a pop tart a piece. Dad was having a quick cup of coffee, Mom was on to Brick about a project.

"You had a week to it, why didn't you tell me the day you got it?"

"A vocabulary poster only takes a minute to do."

He whispered the word vocabulary to himself.

"We could've planned a very organized, creative poster on George Washington."

"I don't think we should be learning history, it's all in the past," Axl said.

"It's the history of our country Axl, George Washington was our very first president," Dad said.

"I know, it's still in the past, like million years ago."

"Our first president was a dinosaur," I said smiling.

"Angel don't encourage him, Axl you gotta learn history, and Brick tell me about projects sooner ok," Mom said.

We ran to school almost late.

I sat up front in my math class because it was hard to see the board in the back. After class, the teacher had to say a few words.

"You'll have a new seating chart tomorrow, be prepared for big changes."

"Awww," we said in disappointment.

We went home.

Mom brought home fast food like she always does. We were at the table.

"Anything exciting happening at school?" She asked.

"I'm trying out for girl's baseball so I'll need a glove," Sue said.

"You can use my old one," Dad said.

He looked at Mom and shook his head. She's tried out in the past but she never made it. Like I said, she has the worst luck.

"Brick, how bout you, what did they think of your last minute project?"

"They accepted it, the teacher suspected it was last minute."

"It was, you really should've done it sooner," Axl said.

"Says the guy who brought an orange for his science project," I said.

"It had vitamins and minerals...minerals Ang, it was a science term."

"Angel, what happened to you today?" Mom said.

"Tell them about the new seating arrangements tomorrow," Axl teased.

"I might get put in the back, I hope not."

"Tell them you have to be up front or I will."

The only thing I don't really like about Mom is that she makes a big deal out of everything, it's what moms do. At least the Donahues aren't as crazy as us, they're perfect.

The day at school, we were shown our seating arrangement.

"Heck, you're in back with Thompson."

I sat there kinda nervous but I had to deal with it until after class, I was squinting the whole period. After class, I walked to the teacher.

"Can I talk to you about the seating arrangement?"

"I know exactly what you're gonna say Heck, it's about your eyesight. All you have to do is get glasses, not just be accommodated in front of the class for the rest of your life because your parents refuse to get you an eye doctor."

"It's financial reasons, they're not refusing just because."

"Just tell them you need glasses. For now, just deal with it, Thompson can help you out with notes."

"But he smells like sweat and onions."

"You'll be ok."

I was shooed out of class.

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